Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Teddy Bear Bread and Skateboards, WHAT a Day!

Today was a rough day, so I tried to keep the kids occupied in hopes it would keep fights and whining to a minimum!

For a few days we have been talking about making Bear Bread! I saw the idea off a great blog called Chasing Cheerios ( about a week ago and have been thinking about it ever since! She said she used left over pizza crust dough! EASY EASY, so I made it a little easier and just used one of my Jiffy pizza crust mixes!For some reason Spencer was doubly excited about the idea! He made each part of the body himself and was amazed that water could be like glue to make all the bear's parts stick! We made a bear for each member of the family!
Then we brushed them with olive oil and sprinkled (dumped, Spencer was eager with the spoon:) them with cinnamon sugar! TA..DA..!It was really fun! We got very messy, covered in flour head to toe! But in the end it was worth it! Cooper had a good time eating the dough and the bear when it was all finished! I felt a little bad for him though! I still haven't found a craft that both the boys can do together!??????

We had a well deserved nap! And then the boys found the skateboard! Cooper got on first and was pushing himself around making a revving noise! It was so cute! Spencer jumped on board and they had a train! It was so heart warming to watch them play nicely together! AND...then about 1 minute 12 seconds into their blissful play Cooper pushed Spencer and Spencer came right back and rammed Cooper off the skateboard!Whew! Some days I live for nap-time and bed-time! I'm not sure if it's boys in general or just all kids but sometimes I don't know what to do! I feel a little guilty admitting it, but a few times today I was at a complete loss! We had time-outs, quiet talks about calming down when you are angry and talking it out, and took away privileges and toys that were the object of the fight! I feel caught in the middle of not wanting to over due consequences and being terrified of not giving solid boundaries!

My best idea is try again tomorrow! Hope it will be better! I am reading a new parenting book, I am hoping to find a good idea for teaching kids to calm down!???? I am praying really hard for a good nights sleep and a calm day tomorrow!


Rachel Holloway said...

HOW FUN! Maybe we will do this one today too. And i signed up for her blog too...such great ideas!

You were talking about something both boys can do--this isn't necessarily a craft, but a project I bet they will LOVE!

Check it out! I am curious to see how it works out if you do it! :)

Katie said...

How fun! You always have fun things going on. I need to get off my butt and do some of that with Maya, too.

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Looks like a great day! I love the skateboarding pics!

Chris said...

poor cookie bear, you could have made him with a little pride?