Monday, September 1, 2008

Out to Dinner.....

We went down to St George for the weekend for the Peach Days Festival and to spend Labor Day with BJ's family! So hold on TIGHT cause I have lots of pictures of our BUSY BUSY trip!

On Friday night we got out of the house and went on a date with some of our good friends! We tried this new restaurant called Players. It was a sports grill and it turned out to be really good! We had a great time, relaxing WITH OUT any kids! I sure love doing stuff with the boys but getting out to eat without any little hands throwing chicken nuggets around, or trying to stand up in their seats, or begging for more pop, IS SO refreshing!

SO everyone teased me about bringing the camera to dinner, but I got a few funny pictures! We went out with Stephanie and Caleb Steele and Jessica Chang (Eric her hubby had to work!) It is tough finding really GREAT friends that you can just sit down with and talk to! But we have been so luck and just REALLY enjoy hanging out with these guys! We talked an talked and then when we started to get the evil eye from our waitress we went outside to talk and talked and talked until Caleb let us know that we had been at the restaurant for 3 hours! We had a great time and I even managed to get Beej to sit down for a picture! Which is no small accomplishment!

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