Monday, September 22, 2008


When we moved into this new (much much smaller) apartment we realized we would NEVER be able to fit a new baby in without stacking the kids up! My parents were kind enough to get the boys some INCREDIBLE bunk beds!
They were back ordered for a couple weeks and so we have been having a count down until they arrived!

SO I went a little crazy taking pictures of every part of the delivery and set up but how many times do you get new bunk beds? WE ARE ALL SO EXCITED! So I wanted to be able to remember it!
The boys were very excited about the HUGE truck that brought the beds! They were even good about sitting and waiting so they weren't in the way of the "Big Boys" who were unloading it!
Here we are taking it off the pallet, Spencer was so excited to help! Cause he is "SUPERMAN and he is tough enough!"
Spencer started doing a little song and dance as we were checking everything before the driver left! Everything that had bars looked like a ladder! And the Ladder was the part he was MOST excited for!
There was NO way to keep the kids out of everything! They were so caught up in the excitement, and Spencer wanted SO badly to be big enough to be involved! BJ was so good about finding small things for him to do so he felt involved!
Spencer's big task was to unwind all the round things off the screws! I really don't remember their name, SORRY! But he took it very seriously and was extra watchful to make sure Cooper didn't get a hold of ANYTHING!
I did my best to keep Cooper pre-occupied but between helping BJ and taking pictures (which was my main priority) I couldn't keep him out! So the boys played around! They were pretty good listeners and never got in the way.... too much! They had so much fun! Nothing was broken or lost no one got hurt so it all worked out!
What a hard working STUD!
By the time we finished it was nap time! Spencer was SO excited and Cooper, well he wasn't AS excited at first! But after he got up and got a good feel for it he calmed down!
They each had to take turns trying out the LADDER! Spencer was a pro! You can tell HOW much fun he had by the look on his face! Cooper was much more cautious! He would climb up a step and climb back down, climb up two and climb back down one! It took him a while to get to the top, but it was good practice and he was getting comfortable! It is just HIS WAY!
When it was FINALLY time to lay down, Spencer kept changing his mind! He wanted to sleep on the top, then the bottom with Coop, and then back again! Eventually we just laid Cooper down and had Spencer come out for quiet time on the couch! He hasn't been taking naps in his room for about a week! And with all this excitement I knew NEITHER one would get a nap if Spencer was playing on his new FAVORITE toy!


Rachel Holloway said...

Those are the absolute NICEST beds I have ever seen! IMPRESSED, AND TOTALLY JEALOUS! HOORAY FOR YOU!

Steelefamily04 said...

Holy Cow!!! your parents went all out. those are so cute. your bedding for the boys will look awesome with those beds. i am excited to see the final project.

Chuck and Tonya King said...

The boys are gonna have a GREAT time ... they'll have many adventures on the beds!

Erika said...

Those look like so much fun! And yes, we definitely need to talk Van into starting a blog. I need to see her cute boys grow. What will it take...setting it all up for her and forcing her into it? :)

Vanessa said...

Hey, Erika and Cam, what are you two talking about?! :) I know you love me just the way I am. :) Anyway, I love those bunk beds! How is Cooper doing sleeping in a big boy bed? Will climbs out of his crib now, so we've turned it into a day bed with a bed rail, but I'm really struggling with it since he is so little still! Anyway advice you have on what you've done with Cooper would be great!

Our Little Family said...

You know we love you Van! I would just LOVE IT MORE to be able to keep up with you! I am going to call you this week and give you a few friendly nudges!

Cooper is a little too timid to climb over the guard rail still, so we haven't had to deal with him all over the place yet! I'll let you know as he get more daring!

Anonymous said...

I love the bunk beds. I really want to get some for our boys, but I think it might be a while. Where'd you're mom buy them? How old are Cooper and Spencer? I bet your kids are around the same age as mine.