Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lunch Break

BJ has a crazy schedule his last 2 semesters! He is working the graveyard shift so that he has time for classes and homework! On Monday Wednesday and Friday he only has one class in the morning so he takes the afternoon to sleep! Tuesdays and Thursdays he has 5 classes! But he has a hour and half break in the middle!

Oh how the kids look forward to him coming home to play! Today as 11:30 got closer and closer I reminded Spencer that Dad was on his way and the first thing he said was
"Do you think he will wrestle with me?"
I couldn't help smiling and telling him I was SURE he would love to play! As soon as he walked in the door the boys were jumping all over him! I had to make another wrestling video because it so so obvious to me what a GREAT Dad BJ is! I want the kids to be able to look back and remember all the fun they had with him! And all the time their Daddy MAKES for them even though he is SO busy!


Rachel Holloway said...

Oh how fun! It IS so nice when there are those few moments for a break and to spend whatever time with good ol' dad!

Anonymous said...

Cameo!! Remember me? Mark's wife?:) It's been so long. When I saw you left a comment on Mimi's blog I followed your link! It's great to hear what's going on with you guys! Congrats on the baby news. I have a few baby name ideas for you, but you probably won't like them. LOL
Anyway, I gotta run. Visit my blog at:

Chuck and Tonya King said...

I LOVE this little video. You are doing a great job BJ - plus it's great to unwind for you and the boys! Pillows are great, aren't they?!!