Friday, September 19, 2008

Spencer's Sleep Over

Thursday night was my " catch up on posting" night!
But I forgot to add what happened on Thursday! Kristie, BJ's Mom came up to Cedar to pick up Spencer for a 2 day sleepover! (We will be in St George for a wedding late late Friday night!) Spencer was so excited to spend time with "NaNa and Papa" and to see all his cousins!

He left around 11:30 and Cooper and I were a little sad! You would think I would be excited to only have one little man running around but it felt like a big piece was missing! Cooper was really confused, he kept whimpering and wondering the halls looking for Spencer! We almost didn't know what to do with the rest of the day! I have to admit I felt a little lost! :(

BUT I am determined to make this a fun couple days for me and Coop, though! So I have decided to dedicate them to Cooper! He still isn't saying any words other then Mom and Dad, so that is my mission! I'll keep you posted.....

1 comment:

Abby King said...

hi cameo ...

see i comment!!