Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Christmas Drive up the Mountian

Because I had Graham 10 days before Christmas we didn't really go out and DO a lot of THINGS this year! We stayed around the house and played Imagine If.... and Hands and Feet! We watched some fun movies, like Goonies and Fred Claus! We all went to Walmart about 10 times! :) We had a really relaxing laid back Holiday! 

On Sunday we went for a drive up Cedar Mountain, on the way to Bryce Canyon! It was beautiful all the snow on the trees I love the way the bright white snow makes you squint a little! The kids were really good on the drive, they loved looking at the mountain of snow on either side of the road! On the way back down we stopped at an overlook spot! And Chris and Dad started a snow ball fight.... It got a little crazy! 
Christopher brought his girlfriend Sommer to the house for a few days after Christmas! And she has a awesome arm! She nailed Chris a few times! She was a lot of fun! I can see why Chris likes her so much! 
Dad was very secretive about his snow ball attacks! But once everyone figured out he was the one throwing the big balls he grabbed Cooper and used him as a shield! Cooper was all about it until a few snowballs hit him by mistake! All is fair in love and war.... RIGHT?
Spencer had so much fun on top of the HUGE snow bank on the side of the road! I was TOTALLY nervous about him falling down the mountain but BJ and Chris climbed up there too and they all ran around like they were on top of the world! 
It was a GREAT Sunday outing! 

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ninja at Christmas Time

My favorite kind of food right now is Japanese! I love to go to a hibachi grill and have some steak and salmon and a Sushi roll! So while the family was here my parents took us all out to Ninja! HMMmmmm....
My mouth waters just talking about it!
Jenise, Spencer, Me,Graham in his car seat FAST ASLEEP, Cooper and BJ

My Dad, Abby, My Mom and Chris
We usually have a great time with the kids too because they love to watch the chef cook with the fire and do all his fun tricks! This time was no exception!

Spencer has gotten really good at using his chop sticks! He tries so hard, and MOST of the time he actually gets the food from his plate ALL the way to his mouth!

Cooper was mesmerized by the fire and of course his pop! That kid LOVES to drink out of a straw! I hate buying him a pop every time we go out but when I don't I regret it, because he nurses that pop the whole night! :)

I know I really love the hibachi grill TOO much! I would go there once a week if I could afford it, and find someone to go with me! But we all had a great time and the food was just as good as ever!!!!

Let it Snow......

The snow just DUMPED down right before Christmas this year! And Spencer had a blast playing in it! Luckily he had Aunts, Uncles and of course DADDY to take him out and let him explore all the things you can do with snow! 
The first day he could he got ABBY outside to help him make a Snowman! Unfortunately the snow was a little dry for rolling so they made a little moundy Snowman! But that didn't matter to Spencer, he was so excited to be out with ABBY!

The next day Cooper really wanted to get out there with Abby and Spenc! He he was having a good time even though he WOULDN'T put on his gloves and hat until he tried to TOUCH the snow! Spenc and Abby were wrestling the Snowman and Coop wanted in on the action but as soon as he went to hit the Snowman he stopped and looked at his hands and then at me and then he LOST IT! He just cried and cried! I tried drying his hands off and forcing the gloves on but it didn't help! He was READY to go inside!

We got Christopher to come outside later and the kids had a HUGE snow ball fight!I am not sure who WON but I do know they all came in wet and happy!

A couple days later Mom and Dad took Spencer out on a little trip and came back with a SNOW ROCKET! Abby, Spencer and Daddy went right outside to give a test run! Spencer quite the DARE DEVIL! He went down a few different ways and even went over the little JUMP! 
All of us have enjoyed the snow so far this winter! I know Spencer has LOVED playing outside! We are extending an OPEN invitation to anyone to come up and play, I promise to have HOT CHOCOLATE waiting.....

Christmas Cheer

I have been really slacking off in the BLOG department! SORRY! The last set of my family just left this morning so its just Me BJ and the boys now! (Not to say that isn't a FULL HOUSE!!!) But I finally feel like I have a moment to catch up on everything we have been doing this Christmas Holiday! 

I thought I would start with Christmas Eve! My parents went down to St George to pick up GB who came to visit as a last minute SURPRISE!! We planned to do cookies for Santa and play outside after they got back but THEY hit a small bump in the road when the got in a CAR ACCIDENT in St George! Everyone was OK after a few X-rays and a NEW rental car!! OOPS!
So the boys and I made the gingerbread cookies and read our special Nativity Story and the Night Before Christmas and waited for everyone to get home SAFELY! That night we all decorated Santa's cookies and set them out! Spencer really wanted to WAIT up for Santa and SHARE them with him! It took a lot of convincing to get him to fall asleep, on the condition that if Santa came in to wake him up they could share the cookies together! :)
BJ worked the midnight shift on Christmas Eve and wasn't supposed to be home until 8 am Christmas Day! I was worried the kids would wake up and storm the tree without him! I was a bummed because I wanted us to be able to spend Christmas morning together! MY favorite present this Christmas was when BJ walked in the door EARLY from work! He was able to get off around 6:30! HURRAY!

Spencer came running into our room at about 7:15 all excited! We told him to wake Cooper up and the 2 of them ran out to the Christmas tree! We had a smaller Christmas this year, but the kids would have NEVER known it! They played with EACH toy after opening it and were so excited! They each got 2 presents from Santa, one from Mom and Dad and then they each picked something out for each other
Spencer got a remote control jeep from Mom and Dad (that we found at the YARD SALE, HURRAY) and a little people learning town and some games from Santa! He was so cute and very grateful for each gift! I was SO PROUD of him! He was also a great helper with Coop! Not ripping into his stuff just really good at helping and walking him through it all!
Cooper had so much fun opening all the new toys! His favorite was his present from Santa a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (that Santa also found at the Yard Sale! GO SANTA!!) He also really like the saxophone Spencer picked out for him! I loved watching the excitement on his face as he tore the wrapping paper off his gifts! 
Later that morning we went down to BJ's parents to play the gift exchange game with his brothers and sisters and give his parents their gift from all the kids! The boys had a great time with all the cousins and BJ and I had a lot of fun playing the exchange game! I got to go home with the gift I brought YEA! Pilate's here I come.... And BJ gets to go explore BIG 5 with a gift card! 

The weather was a little CRAZY on the drive down but we were glad we made it because it was the first time some of the family got to meet Graham! 
When we got home to Cedar City my mom had the turkey and ham cooking in the oven and the smell made me SO glad to be home!!!!! Let me just say my mom is a miracle worker even in my TINY AWFUL kitchen! THANKS MOM!!!

We picked up Jenise while we were in St George, when we got home the WHOLE family was together! All the kids exchanged names this year and Chris and I received each other! Unfortunately Chris is the families WORST gift giver! And ever since we exchanged names he has been teasing about getting me old Halloween candy! SO just to cover my bases I got him a Slinky! We opened our prank gifts to each other first and then exchanged real ones! He got me ONE OLD Halloween MINI Kit Kat that he wrapped minutes before in a smashed up plastic bowl and then threw some already used Christmas paper on it! Luckily he asked Jenise what I wanted and got me a AWESOME purse that I had been eyeing for a while! IT WAS SO FUNNY! 
Mom and Dad gave Spencer the new addition to his Geo Trax train set! HE WAS SO EXCITED! He raised his hands above his head and did a cute little dance! He ran right over and gave them a each a BIG Thank You Hug! They gave Cooper a new remote control train to go on the track! THANKS Mom and Dad the boys LOVE IT! 
We each unwrapped our gifts from Mom and Dad and had a great rest of the day relaxing and eating MOMS AMAZING Christmas dinner! 
Oh yes I almost forgot to give credit to Jenise for giving Chris and BJ the best stocking stuffer gifts! Mexican wrestling masks! I guess they are from Nacho Libre and everyone in Mexico is really into them! ANYWAY the guys LOVED THEM!
BJ in the blue mask and Chris in the SWEET mask with the hair!!!

We had a VERY busy day but it was SO nice to spend it with FAMILY! I want to say THANKS to everyone who came to visit! I know Cedar isn't the most tropical exciting city to come to on your vacation but I am SURE glad you chose to come and visit me and all the boys! WE LOVE YOU! AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Getting to Know Baby Graham

On Monday Graham was one week old! There has been a lot going on this last week, what with Christmas around the corner and all our family visiting but there have been a lot of fun little moments to spend getting to know Graham!
These pictures aren't the most flattering! I am giving myself some time before I really start "getting ready!" :) :) 

I have been lucky enough to spend the MOST one on one time with him since I am nursing! But we have had a great time, he is my BEST baby when it comes to nursing! Its easy for him and it is easy on me too!! HURRAY! I love to hold him right after he is done eating, he makes the cutest little sounds! He squeaks! He is so calm and mellow I cant help but take a DEEP breath and relax every time I sit down to snuggle with him! WHAT A BLESSING he is ALREADY!
The boys love having a new brother! Every morning Spencer comes running in ready to hold him he HATES when its time for him to eat, because that means HE cant hold him! We have been practicing HOW to hold the baby and Spencer is really careful and keeps trying and trying to get the hang of it! ITS A WORK IN PROGRESS!!!
Cooper still cant get over touching his face and laughing at his little nose and mouth! He has started resting his head on Graham! (We have to watch and make sure he is being soft) but its really cute!  They both love cuddling with him and laying under the jungle gym! 
My whole family is here for Christmas and so everyone has had fun getting to hold and cuddle Baby Graham! Everyone battles over the chance to get a snuggle in! I am a bit worried he wont know how to sleep unless someone is holding him, he has SO many admirers! 
Did I mention he has a VERY calming effect? I think my Dad might be a little miffed at this picture, but I think its sweet! They were both so relaxed they couldn't keep their eyes open! :)

Anyway he is getting more sleep in EVERY night! Last night he only woke up 3 times, so I am hoping he just keeps improving! :) He is still a little yellow and jaundice! But the doctor says he is on the mend! Oh and he hasn't lost ANY weight! He just loves to eat so he is keeping those cheeks large and IN CHARGE! This last week has been so rewarding! I love every second I get to just sit and hold Graham and my big boys! We are slowly getting the hang of this!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


SO I am a little late getting my post up but.... 
Monday December 15th at 8:30 pm Graham Rhys was born 7 pounds 6 ounces 19 inches long! 

Monday started out with a trip to my Midwife at 8 am, she stripped me but because I was only dilated to a 3+ and only 40% effaced she didn't think I would have the baby that day! So I went home and decided to rest! Around 3 I started having contractions but didn't think to much of it! About an hour later the contractions were right on top of each other so I started timing them! And..... they were 3 minutes apart! WOW! I started writing them down and after an hour of contractions that were 3 minutes apart I thought I should wake BJ and the kids and go to the hospital! 

I wasn't sure if it was the real deal because they were already so close together but when I got to the hospital I was a 5+ and 70% effaced! They admitted me and told me I was having the baby TODAY! BJ and Jenise were there with me as I was admitted. BJ's family tried to come up to be there but the roads were closed because of a HUGE snow storm and so they weren't able to make it! 
I cant tell you what a relief it was to know the end of the pregnancy was here and I was about to have a little baby!
My contractions stayed right on top of each other the whole time! I wanted to have the baby naturally and had planned on walking and soaking in the tub for most of the delivery! But because I had to get the antibiotic for the Group B Strep I spent a lot of time sitting and waiting! This delivery was REALLY QUICK! I delivered in 3 hours and pushed for 10 minutes! So it was the quickest but also the most challenging! Graham was the biggest and the shortest of the boys! 

But after it was all said and done I am so glad I delivered naturally and that I was able to use Laurie, My Midwife, again! 

After Graham was born the kids came over from Amber's house (thanks Amber for watching them!!) Spencer came right in and put an envelope on Grahams tummy and said "Here you go Baby Graham I wrote you a letter, and it has a monster on it!" I opened it up and read it to Graham! I had to fight to hold back the tears, it was so tender and sincere!  Spencer was very proud of it and wanted to sit right next to his new brother and rub his head and give him kisses! 

Cooper was excited to see me and was very curious about Graham. He sat right down next to me and started touching Grahams face. We have been learning about eyes and nose and mouth and so he touched his face and laughed! I think he was surprised how small his nose and mouth were! He was easily distracted and spent the rest of the visit touching all the buttons on the bed and running around the room!
When the boys came back the next day Spencer brought 2 of his favorite toys and gave them to Graham. He told him that he was sharing them and that Graham could hold them all day! He kept putting them under his arms so that he could hold them JUST right! :) Spencer also was Grahams little watch dog! He was VERY protective and careful when doctors or nurses came in! He was NOT going to let ANYONE give HIS baby brother a pocky! 

After the boys went home with Jenise the nurses took Graham to the nursery to give him a bath and do all their tests! It was so nice to be able to keep him for almost 2 hours before they came and got him! The ended up coming in and telling us they had to put him on oxygen for a while and that they just needed to watch him to make sure he got all the fluid out of his lungs! At about 6 am they cleared him to come back to our room and said everything was fine! Whew! 

On Tuesday Kristie and Cadie came up to visit, even though the weather was scary! Thanks for coming guys! We spent the day relaxing in the hospital and trying to decide on a name! Our plan was to to go in with our 3 top picks (Graham, Owen, and Quinn) and then when we saw him to pick one..... well.... once we saw him 2 of them still seemed to work! SO WE WERE STUCK! We didn't decide until the Birth Certificate lady came in her 3rd and FINAL time to have us sign the paper work! We both ended up thinking he looks most like a Graham and we loved the idea of calling him Teddy Graham since he looks so much like a little BEAR! 
BJ didn't get a ton of time to just cuddle with Graham in the hospital! He was so great about taking care of the kids and making sure the nurses had everything ready for me! HE is such a attentive husband and tender dad! I LOVE YOU, babe!

Graham is such a calm mellow baby! He only cries when you change his diaper, he really hates that! But he loves to be held and he LOVES to eat! He has the most adorable big chubby cheeks and rolly double chin! They are fun to pinch and kiss! 
It feels really good to be home! BJ was able to get Wednesday off and so he stayed home with me all day Wednesday and Thursday! Chris surprised us and showed up on Wednesday so he has been here hanging out too! Its been busy and a little exhausting! I have been thinking about blogging since I got home late on Tuesday but every time I sit down to blog I think about sleeping and sleeping always wins! I hope I can find a good time to fit in my posts and get some sleep! 

Friday, December 12, 2008

Is This What NAP TIME is Supposed To Look Like?

Spencer and Cooper took a long time to fall asleep today! We had spent 30 minutes this morning cleaning up their room. I had to put a garbage bag FULL of toys in time out because Spencer was unwilling to help pick up! So when I laid them down today I reminded them to only take out a few toys at a time!

So I went in to check on them around 4:00 ( I laid them down at 1:45) and this is what I found....
A very VERY messy room and my littlest boy asleep on a layer of toys in front on the door!
Is this what Nap time looks like at ANYONE elses house? I don't know HOW to get my boys to only pull out a few toys instead of EVERY toy within their reach! IT'S driving me CRAZY having to spend 30 minutes cleaning up after every nap time! AHHHH

A Merry Merry Ward Christmas Party

Last night was our Ward Christmas Party! We had a great time! We got to meet some new young families in the ward so that was nice! Spencer and Cooper had a great time running around with all the other little kids and making a HUGE mess of the soup that was served for dinner :) 

The BEST part of the party was the Program the Primary and different families in the Ward put together! Spencer was COMPLETELY captivated by the stage and the Nativity and even the funny little family skits! 
All day I had been building up Santa's visit to the Christmas Party! Spencer was full of questions like, 
"Why is he leaving the North Pole?" 
"Is he bringing presents NOW?" 
"Will he come back again on Christmas?" 
"Why is he coming to MY Church?"
"Where is the Sleigh, did he drive here?"
He was SO amazed that Santa was coming all the way from the North Pole just to come to HIS Church to see HIM! He did get a little jealous waiting in line to see him! He kept saying "All these kids don't love Santa I LOVE SANTA!" I had to explain (a few times) that lots of people love him and he brings toys to EVERY good little boy and girl!
When Santa surprised everyone and walked in the back of the gym Spencer was one of the first kids to CHASE him down and try and follow him! He wanted to be close to him! It was darling! 
He stood in line and waited his turn (even though you could tell he was just dying to sit on his lap!) And in case you were wondering that silly face is an embarrassed SUPER excited smile, not a scared face! When his turn finally came he RAN right up to him and jumped on his LAP! 
Cooper wasn't really into it this year! He didn't really know who Santa was but he did enjoy the treat bag filled with Peanuts and an Orange! 

The boys had a great time and so did we, it was nice to get out as a family and see the EXCITMENT on thier faces!