Thursday, September 4, 2008

Matching Memory Rocks

I am so excited about this craft! I think its my favorite we've done so far! It had so many different stages it took up a lot of time and occupied the kids all day! HURRAY! Plus I had everything at home and I didn't have to BUY ONE THING! And that is the BEST kind of craft!
Ok so I got the idea off a great blog called Chasing Cheerios!
I never come up with my own ideas its so much more fun to see what everyone ELSE is doing and follow their creative lead! All you need for this craft is rocks, stickers, and Mog Pog!!!

So first we went on a ROCK "HUNT" outside! Spencer was THRILLED with the idea of "hunting" for rocks! He kept saying "I am Super man I'm big enough to get the BIG rocks! Me and my dad we are tough!" Before we left I told him we were "hunting" for small flat rocks so we could put our stickers on them! We wondered all over "hunting!"We were so lucky to have BJ home from school for lunch just in time to go on our Rock "Hunt"When we got home we cleaned off the rocks and picked out the stickers we were going to use! On Chasing Cheerios she said to find stickers with bugs or frogs but I already had some Mickey Mouse and Little Einsteins stickers so we used those! (oh and make sure you pick stickers that you have doubles of for the MATCHING GAME later...)

After we put all the stickers on the rocks with their matches we used the Mog Pog to paint the rocks so the stickers wouldn't come off! I told Spenc it was a special kind of paint and glue!
He loved that!
We took a nap and when we woke up the rocks were all dry and ready for out Memory Matching Game! Spencer wanted to play it over and over! He would stack the rocks up as he made the matches until they all fell over! Cooper loved turning the rocks over to help Spenc find the matches! All around it was an AWESOME CHEAP craft that he is already excited to play with tomorrow!

1 comment:

Rachel Holloway said...

REALLY cute idea! Thanks for passing it along! I am definitely going to try this! :)