Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Saturday full of FUN!

We had a great day today! ANY day we get to hang out with BJ all day is a great day! I went yard saleing with Amber for a couple hours this morning, still hunting for pants for Spencer! But before I left Spencer and I made muffins, because he saw Mickey and Minnie making muffins on TV! He came running into my room this morning saying " Mom will you make muffins with me, like Minnie Mouse?" IT was so cute!
Then when I got home BJ and I took the kids over to the "Air Show" at the park! There was about 15 hot air balloons up in the air in the morning, unfortunately I didn't get a picture! But they had some neat airplanes at the park that Spencer thought were so cool! He picked out one that was "Superman's Airplane" which meant he needed to bring it home with him! He had fun watching them fly around!BJ and relaxed all afternoon while the boys took a record long 2 1/2 hour nap! YEA!!!

In the evening we went over to Amber and Dangs to work on some scrap booking and let the kids run around together! AJ is Spencer only friend up in Cedar so far, so he loves to go over and play! Plus they have a GREAT back yard full of fun things to do! (Amber just started a small day care out of her home and so she has found some great outside toys!)
All the kids loved the new trampoline we found at the yard sale this morning!
Spencer and Cooper had a ton of fun playing in this little car!
....A little too much fun a couple times! But that's what brothers do!

For dinner we ordered pizza from this great local pizza place, called Pioneer Pizza! We heard that the best kind was called the "Slaughter House" it has 6 kinds of meat! Sounds gross? Oh NO! It had Pepperoni, Sausage, Chicken, Ham, Bacon, and Hamburger! It really was so yummy! And then to add to that they have a bread stick that is all wound up into a circle that they call the "Cow Pie!" No joke! AND it is also to die for! I wish I would have gotten pictures!!!

Amber and I have been scrapbook buddies since we lived in Cedar a couple years ago, so we spent the rest of the evening TRYING (with the "help" of the kids!) to make a few cards! We didn't get a ton done, but we sure had fun trying!Amber and her little girl Aubry! Aubry has been sick the last few days so she needed Mom!
Check out the messy mayhem! That's how you get things done in the scrapbook world!
When we got home at 10:00 we were all tired and ready for bed! What a great Saturday!


CoLiE-O said...

how fun! tell cute amber "hi" . every time i pass a garage sale sign, i think of you (there are a ton up here). you are such a good mommy! i miss you!!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Spencer - you are such a good big brother giving Cooper a ride in that car!