Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Day in the DIRT!

This evening Amber and I decided to get the kids outside! It was nice and warm and we ALL needed the fresh air! We went to a park that is right down the street that Spencer calls the "TARZAN" park, because it has a few swinging toys!

But today the kids didn't even need slides and rock walls, they had

Right next to the park there is this unfinished area that has all this loose dirt! And for some reason our boys couldn't keep themselves from it! They had SO much fun! And got COVERED in dirt! Ahhh BOYS! But you know what I think , WHO CARES if they are dirty if they are loving every minute, AND being so nice to each other! It doesn't get any better then that!
Cooper was more of a home body and stayed close to us, and the snacks, most the of the time! He did get himself on and off a very grown up climber a few times!
But even when he was climbing he was he was very chill and relaxed! It felt so good to get out and have some time to talk! And it was SO nice to get the kids out to RUN off some of their never ending energy!

1 comment:

Steelefamily04 said...

I wish that you could do that with me down here. bummer. well we miss you and hopefully we will see you guys soon