Friday, October 24, 2008

Just a Bowl and Spoon

Cooper has this funny habit I have been meaning to capture! Whenever he has a snack, even if its a finger food he goes and gets a bowl and a spoon! Most of the time he gets MULTIPLE bowls out so he can transfer the food to lots of different containers!

I cant decide if the does it because he is SO proud of his ability to use a spoon and fork? Or if he just likes to be big and thinks that if he gets out EVERY dish we have he will be more like Mom and Dad?And after a while he pulls out the big guns and just goes for it with his fists, still holding onto the spoon! He doesn't want to let his image go!
It is so funny and he NEVER FAILS to do it! I hope these pictures portray the scene! Cause it makes me grin every time!


Chris said...

he's got a good thing going for him there...i only have one bowl and one spoon, well its more of an all in one utensil. I use it for everything....and by bowl i mean a tupperware thing that doubles as a plate/bowl. i use the top for a plate and the tupperware part as the bowl. my utensil is one side fork and the other side spoon. one edge of the fork is a knife. it saves a lot of hastle

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Cooper! go for the dual action - spoon AND fist! Maybe we should introduce chopsticks now!