Monday, October 27, 2008

Cedar Canyon

Sunday was a beautiful day here in Cedar City! Warm 75 degrees and Sunny! So we decided to get out and have an afternoon drive! BJ took us up Cedar Canyon! None of us knew where we were going, which made it even more fun! Even though every 2 minutes Spencer would ask if we were going to the park? We reached a great scenic overview and decided to get out and have a little walk! ( I called it a hike at first and BJ told me it was much more of a WALK!)
This was the view from the top, where we stopped!
We walked down a trail that goes all the way back down to Cedar City, of course we only walked 30-35 minutes of the trail! But the kids had a lot of fun being outside! I was a little nervous about Cooper running the trail! But once we let him down he giggled and chased after Spencer till he was worn out!

We all really enjoyed getting outside! I am hoping for a few more Sundays of SUN! So we can go find a few more fun walks (or HIKES depending on who you talk to!! :) to explore!
Oh and on the way home we DID stop at a PARK for Spencer since he was so good, and very PERSISTENT about stopping!

1 comment:

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Wow, what a beautiful walk! I hope that "Hudson" liked the hike too!!