Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cooper the MONKEY!

I have been meaning to catch Cooper climbing around on the latter for a couple days now! He is just such a little MONKEY!

He loves to climb through the steps onto the railing of this bed! It really SCARED me the first few times I saw him do it! But he LOVES IT! He is really strong and can support his weight with his arms! I think he knows his limitations (I hope so anyway) because I have never seen him do it from higher then the 2nd step!! I DON'T know if I should be worried or just right it off as Boys Being Adventurous????? He hasn't hurt himself.....yet! But I am keeping an eye on him!

Here is the play by play of his trick!

I have seen him do it a few different ways! I will try and get a video of him climbing! As soon as he sees me with the camera he comes running over to check it out! But I will catch him!


Brooke said...

I love the daredevil stunts that happen round here too. Tonight, Cadence jumped from the toilet and grapped hold of the towel rack - which pulled it out of the wall. Awesome. Hey, how do you create your picture collages where you have four pictures together. I'm new to this and have a post that has tons of pictures and I don't want them to take up so much space. Help!!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

How funny is that ... Cooper the monkey ... go boy!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Cooper the Brave! Watch him though - I don't want my darling grandson to get hurt!!