Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Jumpy Saturday in St George

This Saturday BJ had the opportunity to go flying with a friend! Steph and Caleb have a brother in law in flight school who flew to St George for the weekend! So they invited BJ to go for a flight over Zion National Park and the surrounding St George area! We hadn't planned on going to St. George, but didn't have any other plans for the day so around noon we got ready and decided to go for it!

Unfortunately, I forgot to give Beej the camera so we don't have any pictures from their trip! He had a great time though! I think the trip only fueled his excitement for new hobbies! :)
Some day BJ the Pilot!

Steph, her sister, and I went shopping with our good friend Megan, while the boys were off flying around! We found a few good deals and then headed to a play-place called JUMPIN' JACKS! It was Andy's (Megan's son) 2nd Birthday!

The kids (and adults) had a blast! I have about 1000 pictures! The play place is filled with large blow up jumpers! So the kids just run around jumping until they CRASH!
This is the ONE shot I got where Spencer stopped to look at me! He was having so much fun! This is Spencer and his great little friend Noah!
Cooper tried SO hard to be right in there with the big kids! He couldn't quite keep up but he did go down some big slides all by himself! He also made it up a steep latter! Go Coop Go!
BJ was right in there with the kids! Spencer climbed up this slide and of course Cooper was right behind him! (with a little help!)
Here are a bunch of kids just having a ball! They were going so fast it was hard to capture it, but I think you can tell they were loving every minute!
All the kids seemed to LOVE the biggest and steepest slide! Every once and a while they would need help getting up the latter but they were all really brave and just went for it!
Tippy was the only one I was able to get a cute picture of as she flew down the slide!

All in All we had a SUPER time! After about an hour and a half we went out to dinner for pizza, hoping the kids would just sit after playing so hard! We had a party of 14 with all the kids! It was a little crazy but no major mishaps, no food on the floor, puddles on the tables or food fights! We had a great time! THANKS to everyone that came, I can't wait to get together next time!

1 comment:

HanksFam said...

What a great night! We had a great time with you guys. You need to come down more often! Wish you could be here today for Andy's cake and ice cream!