Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Warm Days in October

The weather here in Cedar has been all over the place, Saturday and Sunday it snowed and then Monday and Tuesday it was in the 30 and 40's! Then today warm, sunny and 70 degrees! So we took advantage of the heat! Our complex has a small playground that Spencer affectionately calls the "Big Sandbox!" Every time we go play he brings his big dump truck a few shovels and a random jeep or two! He bends over and pushes the dump truck all the way to the playground! It is so cute!

I was a little nervous it might still me cold so I got the kids ready in long sleeve shirts and sweatshirts! I was trying so hard to be prepared! HAHAHA about 15 minutes after we got there I looked up and Spencer had sweat beading down his forehead! Looks like I am GREAT at OVER PREPARING! :)

Even though I tried to COOK them the kids had a
Spencer spent most of his time digging, building houses, and fire stations with the sand! He is getting so creative!
Cooper was all over the place! At first he kept going up and down the slide OVER AND OVER! In typical COOPER fashion, ON HIS TUMMY! He would slide off and laugh and laugh and then run up the stairs to do it again! After a while he ran around trying everything on the playground! I think he was just happy to be outside!
My favorite part of the afternoon was when the boys played together! Once Cooper realized he could help Spencer by digging sand up and putting it into the dump truck he had found his MISSION! He was all over it! He wants to be a part of what his brother is doing, SO BADLY! I love watching them play together! It was a great afternoon, I checked the forecast and it says to expect a few more days of sunshine! I am crossing my fingers it was SO nice to get out today!

1 comment:

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Wow, looks like a fun day! It's so nice to see the boys working together in the sand! and Cooper is so brave going up and down the slide! What cute boys!!