Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This is my first and HOPEFULLY last run in with
on the wall!
Does anyone have ANY ideas on how to get my friends to LEAVE? I went through 3 Magic Erasers and about 45 minutes of SCRUBBING and they are fading but NOT gone!


Erika said...

Google says you can try toothpaste, aerosal deodorant, ajax soap, rubbing alcohol or Solarcaine. The only thing I've tried are those Magic Eraser Sponges and they only sometimes work. Good luck...and is it mean to say that the drawing is really cute? :) I suppose you could consider making it part of your original decor!

Queen Mimi said...
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Queen Mimi said...

Hey Cam! Here is what I found from Google. Good luck! I hope your week improves :) Love ya!

At Boeing they use Ketone to remove permanent marker, so I understand people saying that fingernail polish remover works because it's USUALLY made with ACETONE. But what they fail to say it that you need to use the type that does NOT say "for artificial fingernails" because the kind made for fake nails has no acetone in it.

Chuck and Tonya King said...

I'm SO proud of my grandboys ... they're reminding their mother that ... IT'S PAYBACK TIME!!!

Chris said...

...those aren't monsters!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Cam - try rubbing alcohol with cotton balls. When the cotton ball discolors, get a new one and keep trying... and put those permanent markers away! (You guys did that once to a babysitter in CA but with crayons! At least you got a picture before it was cleaned up!!) Love, Mom