Yesterday was all about Halloween!I hate to admit it but this year we didn't make it to the Pumpkin Patch so we had to buy our pumpkins at the store (grumble grumble grumble!) Of course the kids didn't even notice, they were so excited to see all the different sizes and shapes they just got right in there and found
"their" perfect pumpkin!After nap time we decided to carve our pumpkins! Spencer was really excited to use the
"special" pumpkin knives! He was a little surprised about all the pumpkin mush inside! Both Spencer and Cooper were a little nervous to dig in and help Mom clean it out! Of course my messy boys eventually jumped right in and got all
"PUMKINY", Spencer uses the big words to describe new experiences!
He picked out the picture he wanted on the pumpkin ( after I let him down easily about not having a Superman or Backyardigins pictures, what can I say I am not THAT into pumpkin carving!!) He helped me trace the picture and then cheered me on as I cut it out! He was really nervous to get in there! After our 2 big pumpkins were carved Spencer asked if he could try all by himself? So I let him experiment! The outcome was a mini pumpkin with
LOTS of stab marks and small circle wholes cut into it! But he was
VERY PROUD of his carving job, so I am TOO!
In the evening we had our
The kids got all dressed up! Spencer was SO EXCITED to get into his costume! And for the first time
IN HIS LIFE, was willing to let me style his hair! With one
IMPORTANT condition, that I be sure to put the
Superman "S" curl in the front! He was very still while I styled it and VERY careful to not bump anything so that the "S" could dry!
Cooper was a
DIFFERENT story! He hated putting on the costume (screaming for about 10 minutes) and then FREAKED out when we tried to put the mask and cape on! We held firm, and let him cry it out! Because looking cute for Halloween is fun and
YOU WILL LIKE IT! :) Don't worry he totally came around and had a great time at the party, we aren't COMPLETELY heartless!
The ward party was A LOT of fun! They had lots and lots of games! Spencer said his favorite was bowling and the "Cat-A-Polt!" The kids really enjoyed the party and loved seeing all the other costumes Spencer is really excited for FRIDAY! Hopefully this little bit of time as Batman will help Cooper have a better time while we are
trick or treating!Looking very enthusiastic, while waiting his turn in line!
Our mellowed out little BATMAN!