Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Proud to be an American, and GLAD its OVER!

BJ and I went and voted today! We had to take the kids and once we got there Spencer kept asking where the "B-oat" was? He was a little bummed I said "V-ote" and that he wasn't getting on a Boat after all!

For some reason I always get a little sentimental on election day! I am glad I live in a country where we can all disagree and still go and vote for who ever WE feel is best for the us without the fear of what will happen to us for speaking our mind!

And No matter the outcome I am grateful I had the opportunity to cast my vote! BJ and I had fun discussing all of the different debates and hearing friends and families opinions!

I hope the country can change for the better and we can all unite behind whoever is elected!


Chuck and Tonya King said...

Yea for voting! And you get the sentimental gene from me - I cried once when my absentee ballot didn't make it in time! We all need to pray for our country now and continue to have hope for the future!

Rachel Holloway said...

AMEN! My phone has been SO silent since it's been over...and I am glad to not have that stress going on any more!

Adventures Of A Girl And Her Dog said...

Im going to miss the election for the simple fact that there wont be as much on SNL about it all!

CoLiE-O said...

amen sista. i am so sick of politics. vomit. now i just pray the Lord will continue to bless and protect this country!!