Friday, November 7, 2008

LAZY PJ Days....

The last few days being 8 months pregnant has really caught up with me (or at least that's my excuse for being tired and lazy!!!
The boys and I have stayed in our PJ's until after nap time every day this week! We have watched a lot of movies, played a lot of games, and read a lot of books! I have meant to get pictures of them all week but I've been a little to lazy to do that too!

But TODAY I grabbed the camera and got a few pictures of the boys being goofy! This morning we read a few stories in Mommy's bed and then the boys hopped into the computer chair and started spinning around! They were giggling and laughing up a storm until I started taping
them:) But its a cute clip anyway!

Later that morning we made a little fort and the kids played in it on and off the rest of the day! It was really cute because Cooper would crawl under the table and growl! I don't know if he was pretending to be a bear or a dinosaur but it sure was funny!
After nap the boys started racing up and down the hall! We had a few casualties (as expected!!) but over all they had a fun time racing!
In all of these picture I am sure you will notice my not so tidy house! Along with my growing belly I have become less and less concerned with cleaning during the day! I still do the dishes as they get dirty during the day!!! And pick up so I have a clean house when I go to bed, but I have started to SLACK off picking up during the afternoon! I just hate picking up at nap time just to watch it go to POT as soon as the kids wake up! I haven't been as patient with the boys when they mess up what I just spent my QUIET time cleaning! SO my solution is to NOT clean it up and wait till they go to bed! :) LAZY... YES! But I don't get as frustrated so I am willing to call it a small success, instead of a failure!


CoLiE-O said...

i wish i was there with you- we could hang out in our pjs together.. any name ideas yet?

Our Little Family said...

Yea both have names that we like but cant decide on for sure... I like Graham and BJ like Owen! But its still up in the air! I am hoping I WIN!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Yea guys! You look like you had a lot of fun!