Friday, November 14, 2008

Pregnancy Woes :(

This specific PREGNANCY COMPLAINT has been bothering me for SOME TIME! I keep trying to look past it and get over it but... it keeps coming up! So its time to get it off my chest! 

It really UPSETS and HURTS me when people comment on my belly! A little bit of teasing could be brushed off as something that comes with the territory but ALL THE TIME? 

I cant understand why it isn't a COMMON RULE OF SOCIETY that you NEVER say anything to a pregnant girl about the size of her tummy! Don't people understand that there is a little person in there and that you cant exactly GO ON A DIET! No one EVER says anything to someone who is overweight, because it would be CRAZY RUDE! But to a PREGNANT girl who isn't large because of bad eating habits or not exercising people feel entitled to comment and ask about how big you are! COME ON, we are OVERLY HORMONAL! THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK! 
I have had SO many rude people say mean things this time! For example on Halloween a total stranger at the gas station asked " Is that your costume?" I was wearing NORMAL clothes!! Who says that? Then at church on Sunday the nursery leader commented "Wow you look like you are ready to explode!!" Oh that one just hurt! And SERIOUSLY WHO SAYS THAT? THINK IT ALL YOU WANT; BUT DON'T SAY THAT! COME ON! 

I also think comments like "Wow you must be getting close" and "Looks like you are about to have that baby!" Are completely off limits! It is such a weird phenomenon and I think that it needs to become unacceptable to say ANYTHING to pregnant women about their size! We are already WELL aware of how big the baby is getting we don't need ANYONE to point it out or ask about it!! 

I am sorry to go off the deep end but I have been complaining to BJ long enough its time I said something! Next time someone says something I am not going to try and cover up their rude comment by saying something nice, I AM GOING  TO LET THEM KNOW ITS RUDE TO SAY THINGS! AND ITS HURTFUL! I am going to start standing up for all those other pregnant girls who are tired of people being rude! Maybe people will start to take the hint? I HOPE SO! 


Rachel Holloway said...

I KNOW! SO RUDE!!! I had people (every pregnancy) asking me if I was pregnant with TWINS because I was so big...and yes, they actually said the "because I was so big" part...

HANG IN THERE! I have seen lots of pics of you and I think you look GORGEOUS! Seroiusly, I would KILL to look like you when pregnant...okay, maybe not KILL, but you get the idea!

Vanessa said...

I'm sorry that people have been so rude to you... I totally know how you feel. :( I think every pregnant lady gets those comments toward the end, I did too. I agree, pregnancy comments are off limits. Nobody should ever comment on the size of your belly, whether it's too big or too small. You are such a cute pregnant lady! Love ya and hang in there!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Okay, take a breath ... you need it!!! Let's put things into perspective. Instead of complaining, you need to be celebrating!!!

These comments are positive for at least two reasons ...

1. It is obvious that if people are commenting on the robustness of your circumference that it is a sign that you are not normally present with that grand a girth! Said another way, you look different, and in fact so different that people are amazed at the difference.

2. If you are really THAT big, it means that the payoff is coming soon! Just think, in just another 2,419,200-3,024,00 seconds ... 40,320-50,400 minutes ... 672-840 hours ... 28-35 days ... 4-5 weeks!

Now, suck it up, crybaby!!! Smile and say "thank you" every time you hear one of those comments!!!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

One other option ... you could start a group to protest ... call it ... Women Agaist Rudeness in Pregnancy, End the Discrimination also known as WARPED!

I love you little prego!

CoLiE-O said...

how rude!!! the worst is when people as if you are pregnant or how far along are you- AND YOU ARENT EVEN PREGNANT!!! (i would be so embarrassed when people would ask me that!!!)

HanksFam said...

I understand. And I'm sorry. A lady at church last week asked me how many weeks I had left in my pregnancy. "Oh, about 20", I said. I thought a comment like that was always reserved for the end. Maybe your family is right...we just need to suck it up. The payoff is worth it.

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Well, come up with some kind of cute comment as a response, like, "you've got to be kidding, right?" Sometimes people think they're being cute and may not realize that they've said something rude or hurtful. Hang in there dear!

Jelllo said...

Cam, I love your blog, by the way!! Sooo cute! :)
Unwanted prego comments can definitely be frustrating. I had some people pet my stomach today! :) It was kinda funny because I knew their intentions were pure.
So, maybe I'm playing the devil's advocate here, but I'll put out my opinion there anyway.
You mentioned that,"No one ever says anything to someone who is overweight, because it would be crazy rude! But to a pregnant girl who isn't large because of bad eating habits or not exercising people feel entitled to comment and ask about how big you are!"
I guess to me is that the difference between commenting to an overweight person vs. a pregnant woman is that one comment is directed at someone who could probably do something to change their weight and often being overweight is usually seen as unhealthy. Commenting on a pregnant woman's size is commenting on something that they have no control over, so to me, it makes it "neutral ground" for the same reason commenting on someone's eye color or beautiful and ethnic dark skin isn't usually considered offensive. I guess I enjoy when people comment on things like my pregnant belly because I think,"Yup, I'm big just like every other pregnant woman has ever been or will be!"
Sometimes I think that society does look down on a pregnant woman's body, and that is why we, as pregnant women, can eradicate that stigma of pregnancy and childbearing by being proud of our bellies and showing others that we are confident in how our bodies look. Just to show everyone that we're fulfilling Heavenly Father's command to have babies!!
Anyway, thinking along these lines sometimes helps me keep things into perspective! :)