Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hurray for Visitors!!

Today we had a few family visitors! BJ's Parents, Brother and Sister came through Cedar on their up to Wyoming! We all went out to Breakfast for Kristie's Birthday! Spencer made her the CUTEST card (which I forgot to get a pictures of, darnit) Spencer was so excited to see Nana and Papa he really wanted to leave with them!
He loves NANA and PAPA!
Then this afternoon Jenise came up for a quick visit! BJ went into work and so we thought it would be fun to just have some sister, nephew time! We got some take-out from the GREAT Hawaiian restaurant that has amazingly yummy Kahlua Pork, stopped at the grocery store for some chocolates and headed home to relax!Jenise had stopped at Old Navy on her way up and picked up some hats and mittens for the kids! They were having a big winter clothing sale and all the hats and mittens were a dollar today! YEA! We also got Cooper a warm winter coat!! BUT..... I tried to get away with getting the bigger size so that it would FOR SURE fit him next year! AND my plan didn't really work! He looked like Randy from A Christmas Story! He could barely walk and his arms wouldn't lay at his side! I guess sometimes you really have to get them the RIGHT size! Oh well, the whole thing made for a fun evening! THANKS SO MUCH for coming up J we all had a such a blast! It would have been sad and lonley WITHOUT YOU! We LOVE YOU!


Chuck and Tonya King said...

Cooper looks so well insulated that he could roll down stairs and even feel it! LOL! Love the pic with Jenise! (The hats are over the top, Cam!)

Rachel Holloway said...

FUN, FUN!! I love visitors, don't you??? The boys look cute in their winter gear!