Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sick Day

This week ALL of passed around a 24 hour bug! Both the boys threw up and felt real yucky for a day and then the next day were up and running around! It was especially sad to sit with Coop because he doesn't understand whats happening so he gets really nervous and scared when he is sick! This time I REALLY tried to help him throw up in a bowl or in the bathroom, but he just doesn't grasp that idea yet! DARNIT!
Look at that sad face, poor guy!

We stayed in our jammies all week, which SPENCER loved! He asks to have PJ parties everyday, he really hates getting dressed! And because we all felt a little down and out all we did was play games, read stories and watch TOO much TV! 
Spencer loves Candy land! He talks to the people on the board and loves to jump past the licorice spots! He says he is beating up the BAD Candy Man!I think our record number of times we played in one day was 4! HE LOVED it, but by the last time I was stacking the deck to finish up! :)
Even though Cooper wasn't 100% he still had enough energy to get into EVERYTHING! What is it with WIPES? My boys love them more then toys! Its like they have a radar and know when I leave them out!!!!! :)

  My Mom gave them a great book for Christmas and they have been asking to read it ALL the time, THANKS MOM! It has about a dozen different stories! The kids love all of them but there favorite is Baby Says! Its about 2 brothers, the baby throws his teddy bear and the big brother teaches him new words like  Uh oh and No No and Ok! Cooper laughs and laughs and Spencer says the new words to Cooper and then Cooper repeats them! THEY EAT IT UP! Each time Spencer pulls out the book Cooper says "UH OH!" and sits down waits to read it with him! 
Each night this week bedtime couldn't come soon enough! And each night I PRAYED they would sleep all night and not wake up sick! 
I am so glad we are all on the rebound and feeling better!

1 comment:

Queen Mimi said...

Wow, that sounds rough! I'm glad you have all those toys, books, games, and TV at your disposal during such germy times; it's great to hear you are all on the mend! I love the last picture of Cooper giving a BIG smile! :D SOOO cute!!