Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bath Time for Graham

After waiting for his umbilical cord to fall off and his poor circumcision to heal we can finally give Graham more then just a sponge bath (hurray he hated sponge baths, WHO WOULDN'T!)

So along with my faithful little helpers we got Graham into his special baby bathtub! 
At first he was shocked and I think he felt unsure so he cried and cried! Then once he realised hey this is warm and it feel GOOOOD! He totally just hung out, WIDE EYED and content!  I think he would have stayed there forever! 

Spencer REALLY wanted to help get Graham ALL clean. He also thought the snazzy little sponge we got from the hospital was pretty cool! 
All in all the bath was a total success, the kids had fun helping and Graham LOVED it! Plus he got all clean... and that's always a plus when you get in the bath! :)


Chris said...

he still looks a little gimp

pearson_fam03 said...

Graham is so cute!! We had so much fun seeing you guys and hope to hang out again soon!