Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Hair CUTS OH MY

SO my kids had the scare of a life time today! A friend of ours came over to cut all the boys (including my hunky hubby's) hair today! We wanted to look spiffy for the blessing tomorrow! Unfortunately the boys were not as excited as I was! I am sure the people above us, next to us and the poor people down the STREET thought the kids were being attacked by wild animals! You see BJ left right after his cut to play racket ball with some new friends so I was on my own to rally the boys!! :)

Spencer went on and on about how much he hated hair cuts (hate is his new naughty word he love to use to get a rise out of MOMMY!!!:( He said he liked his hair messy and didn't want to cut it! So we decided Cooper would go first to SHOW Spencer that it ISN'T sad or scary! 
(The first change I had for picture was after the kids were up after nap!! I wish I could have captured the ciaos but I would have just been TOO much:)

Unfortunately Cooper just SCREAMED AND SCREAMED! I tried to appease him with binkies, sippy cups even a fruit snack! NO LUCK! WE took 3 breaks to let him calm down because the whole time I had to hold him in what wrestling fans would likely call the "spider DEATH grip!!" The scene got even better as Spencer got out of time out to stand next to me and Coop and say "Stop hurting my brother, let him go, you're a meany!!" With all the commotion Graham started to cry! OH can you feel the energy jump of the screen and smother you?
(This band aid is not covering a REAL wound! Spencer found his first little zit and FREAKED out! He had to have a Scooby Doo Band aid)

I am glad to say that as soon as it was Spencer's turn we were able to calm him down as I read a few stories with the 2 little boys on my lap and Spencer sitting (almost still) while Natalie cut his hair! The whole experience was a bit terrifying for ME and the kids! But it ended well, I hope Natalie will still speak to us! 

As soon as she left Spencer ran into the bathroom to check out his hair! He asked me if I liked it and said he hoped his friends would like it too! Funny kid! I told him I loved and as long as he liked it that I am sure his friends would too!
(Cooper didn't feel much like coloring!)
We finished our busy day coloring and crying! Jenise stopped over for dinner with her new puppy and the kids were in bed by 8:00! And once BJ got home at 9:00 we relaxed and caught up on our American Idol! I just love the tryouts! I thought Salt Lake totally represented! And it was SO SO funny how after the kids got rejected they would ALL say THANK YOU! 

So if you got to the end of this LONG rambling post THANK YOU!! 

OH and if you are anywhere near Cedar City and want to come to the blessing CALL ME for directions its at 11:00! And I am making Stromboli for lunch afterwards!!!!


Ms. Amber said...

Hopefully you will look back and laugh about the hair cut fiasco! The boys look very handsome with their new cuts! I'm excited for tommorrow and just finished the bars, I hope they taste good!

Vanessa said...

Oh, Cameo! This post made me smile. :) What a memorable experience for sure! That's so funny that Spencer wanted a band-aid on his little zit. How cute. The hair-cuts looks great, though!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

I like Spencer's haircut! and just think, you survived the day and had a smile on your face! I love you Cameo!

Rachel Holloway said...

So funny. THAT was a task to take on alone! :)FOR SURE! What a cool, coloring kit! Where did you get that?