Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Little of the Party Prep

So I really tried to keep the cost super low for the boys Pirate party! So instead of buying things I made them... here are a few of the examples....

I made 2 pirate ships out of large appliance boxes Home Depot gave me! OF COURSE the kids helped to paint them(with oops paint I got for 5 dollars:)! So we found a few old "Daddy shirts" that became " Paint shirts!" Spencer saw the idea on Caillou and was so excited to have his own "daddy paint shirt!"
The aftermath....
The ships turned out great and the kids had tons of fun with their cannon ball fight!!

One of the many other things I attempted was a Pinata....
Amber and I really worked on it all week long trying to figure out ways to make it look GREAT! I really wanted to save that 25 dollars I would have spent buying one....
The pinata started out as a pirate ship but it didn't look like a ship so then we thought it would make a good pirate hat...NOPE that didn't work out either! So we decided on a skull and cross bones! 

It was extremely GHETTO looking but the kids had fun hitting it and it was free! So I achieved my goal!

I made a bunch of other fun games and decorations but you'll see the finished product in the BDAY party post!! STAY TUNED... its gonna be a big one


Brittany said...

You are so creative! I would bake a cake and call it good. maybe break out the watercolors and white paper, which is what we did yesterday actually!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

I am sure the kids didn't care what it looked like as much as WHAT was inside of it and how fun it was to WHACK it!!