Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Movin on Over

The move was messy! But I think it was our best move ever! My favorite part was NOT being pregnant and trying to move! Every time we've moved over the last 4 years I have either been sick pregnant or HUGE pregnant! So this time was a breeze in comparison!

ALL of the Holm family showed up and helped SO much! Then men moved everything and all the girls helped me put away SO much before we even finished moving everything over! 

The best part of moving is being DONE moving! And I truly LOVE our new place! I haven't gotten pics of everything yet but here is a preview....
The front with our snazzy garage... I LOVE the extra space! We finally get to set out our Chinese Lions in front of the door! YEA Oh and thats our Milk Jug Pirate from the party the boys wanted to leave him up for a while :)
The front room
The dinning room
The kitchen! SO SO SO much bigger then the last place! THANK HEAVENS! It makes me really appreciate the extra counter space and cabinets! (and please notice my sweet curtains I found for a dollar at a yard sale! My first ever curtains, cause they are so expensive! I kinda love them! Dark espresso brown paisley!!)
I just had to take a close up pic so you could see how cool they are!
Oh and this is the day after we moved in the kids out in the TOTALLY enclosed back yard! It is by far the best part of the new house! (did I mention that the morning we moved there was a snow storm?! Yea it was funny, we got stuck in the road a few times and then ran to WallyWorld to buy a shovel so we could scoop the driveway and get into the house:)
More house pics will come later as I get the kids rooms organized and clean enough for pics...it may take a while:)

1 comment:

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Cameo, we are so happy for you guys! Your new home looks very nice and it looks like you have loads more space - yea!! Are you having "a full-on freak-out" over your new home? (Dad just read me your comment over my car!!)