Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time to Set Some Goals

I have been thinking lately that I want to set a few goal... 
As I started to think about what I want to work on about 100 things ran through my mind as things I could stand to improve upon! But I know if I set too many goals NONE of them will be achieved! SO I have decided on 3!! for now....

Read my scriptures every day!!
I want to spend time after the kids are in bed and the house is picked up studying my scriptures I am sad and a little embarrassed to admit that I have fallen out of the habit and I feel a lack of spirituality in my day to day life!We have such a great habit set up with the kids each night I have just slacked off in my personal study time!! I know if I put in the effort the Lord will reward me with the spirit and a increased amount of peace! (which I could really use:)

So every night scriptures and hopefully one Conference talk each week!(I get WAY more out of reading them then listening to them!!!:)

Work out twice a week!
In my new ward there is a group that meets twice a week to exercise together! Seeing as 3 babies has done NOTHING for my waistline and unfortunately I haven't made time to do anything for my waistline either... I decided to start going!

And whew let me tell you it kicks my tush! It starts at 9:30 so I don't have wake up super early, YEA! All the kids run around and play together! Of course my boys like to weave in and out of all of us and throw things in between us while we exercise! OH silly kids! And as most people know I am THE most UNCOORDINATED person ON the PLANET! I am counting on the saying "practice makes perfect" cause when everyone else is kicking right I am kicking left! :)

Anyway it feels SO good to get out there and get my muscles working! Tuesdays and Thursdays are so good, I love getting out and burning some energy and so do the kids!!!

Get ready EVERY day!
I know this one sounds funny but if I don't have anywhere to go I usually stay in PJ's ALL day! Whenever I DO get ready Spencer always asks where we are going! ouch! So I think it will help me feel better and hopefully help me get more done each day! And I am sure BJ would like to see his wife in more then his old tee shirts and jammie pants:)
We will have to see about the necklace and cookies, right now I'll be doing good to have makeup and clothes on!!!

So so far so good! I think working on some things to improve ME a little will help ME in my relationships with others too! I'll keep my progress posted!!!


Brooke said...

Good for you! Those are worthy goals. It makes such a big difference when we take time for ourselves- whether it's in the scriptures, working out or putting our face on. Your great!!

Katie said...

All fabulous goals, and things that I need to work on as well. I do get dressed "most" days, but I don't really take time to make myself look really good. :)

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Great goals! Fun pics, especially the cartoon version of Cam the "happy homemaker"! Stick with it girl - you'll feel better for doing so!