Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Boys SHARING.... Are you sure?

My boys are usually kind, fun, happy kids! But when it comes to SHARING...they are VERY HOT and COLD! One day I'll hear sweet happy voices and kind words like; "Here Cooper do you want to play with this?" or "Try this out Cooper." And then the next day I cant help but hear the loud screams that come with words like; "Don't sit by me Cooper, THAT'S MINE, GO AWAY!!" On those LOVELY days EVERYTHING is something to fight over! The step stool, where they are sitting, if Cooper is in the same room! It DOESN'T matter, because its a battle day! 

So last night as I was making dinner the boys were wrestling over who got to stand closest to the chef! BJ was sleeping and I knew putting them in their room would invite a SCREAMING match that would wake him up SO I tried my best to include them! We were making enchiladas and so as soon as I offered them a bowl and the chance to add some ingredients the bickering stopped! They took turns and laughed as each new ingredient was added! And then one of those
sent from HEAVEN moments.....
Spencer was stirring the enchilada sauce and Cooper started to get anxious for a turn so Spencer got up and got Coop his OWN SPOON! They sat their stirring and laughing together! It was a MIRACLE! I know Spencer is a softy and that he loves his brother, but moments like that make me so 
So this simple 2 minute moment must seem very ordinary but when everything seems to be getting more complicated these moments make me grateful for all the chaos! 


HanksFam said...

Great job boys! I'm proud of you, Spencer. Maybe you could come and teach my boys a few things.....

Vanessa said...

How cute! I definitely know what you mean, we have very good moments and then not so good moments. Oh the joys of having two little boys! :)

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Those boys are so cute! I bet it tasted 100% better with sharing mixed into it!