Thursday, December 18, 2008


SO I am a little late getting my post up but.... 
Monday December 15th at 8:30 pm Graham Rhys was born 7 pounds 6 ounces 19 inches long! 

Monday started out with a trip to my Midwife at 8 am, she stripped me but because I was only dilated to a 3+ and only 40% effaced she didn't think I would have the baby that day! So I went home and decided to rest! Around 3 I started having contractions but didn't think to much of it! About an hour later the contractions were right on top of each other so I started timing them! And..... they were 3 minutes apart! WOW! I started writing them down and after an hour of contractions that were 3 minutes apart I thought I should wake BJ and the kids and go to the hospital! 

I wasn't sure if it was the real deal because they were already so close together but when I got to the hospital I was a 5+ and 70% effaced! They admitted me and told me I was having the baby TODAY! BJ and Jenise were there with me as I was admitted. BJ's family tried to come up to be there but the roads were closed because of a HUGE snow storm and so they weren't able to make it! 
I cant tell you what a relief it was to know the end of the pregnancy was here and I was about to have a little baby!
My contractions stayed right on top of each other the whole time! I wanted to have the baby naturally and had planned on walking and soaking in the tub for most of the delivery! But because I had to get the antibiotic for the Group B Strep I spent a lot of time sitting and waiting! This delivery was REALLY QUICK! I delivered in 3 hours and pushed for 10 minutes! So it was the quickest but also the most challenging! Graham was the biggest and the shortest of the boys! 

But after it was all said and done I am so glad I delivered naturally and that I was able to use Laurie, My Midwife, again! 

After Graham was born the kids came over from Amber's house (thanks Amber for watching them!!) Spencer came right in and put an envelope on Grahams tummy and said "Here you go Baby Graham I wrote you a letter, and it has a monster on it!" I opened it up and read it to Graham! I had to fight to hold back the tears, it was so tender and sincere!  Spencer was very proud of it and wanted to sit right next to his new brother and rub his head and give him kisses! 

Cooper was excited to see me and was very curious about Graham. He sat right down next to me and started touching Grahams face. We have been learning about eyes and nose and mouth and so he touched his face and laughed! I think he was surprised how small his nose and mouth were! He was easily distracted and spent the rest of the visit touching all the buttons on the bed and running around the room!
When the boys came back the next day Spencer brought 2 of his favorite toys and gave them to Graham. He told him that he was sharing them and that Graham could hold them all day! He kept putting them under his arms so that he could hold them JUST right! :) Spencer also was Grahams little watch dog! He was VERY protective and careful when doctors or nurses came in! He was NOT going to let ANYONE give HIS baby brother a pocky! 

After the boys went home with Jenise the nurses took Graham to the nursery to give him a bath and do all their tests! It was so nice to be able to keep him for almost 2 hours before they came and got him! The ended up coming in and telling us they had to put him on oxygen for a while and that they just needed to watch him to make sure he got all the fluid out of his lungs! At about 6 am they cleared him to come back to our room and said everything was fine! Whew! 

On Tuesday Kristie and Cadie came up to visit, even though the weather was scary! Thanks for coming guys! We spent the day relaxing in the hospital and trying to decide on a name! Our plan was to to go in with our 3 top picks (Graham, Owen, and Quinn) and then when we saw him to pick one..... well.... once we saw him 2 of them still seemed to work! SO WE WERE STUCK! We didn't decide until the Birth Certificate lady came in her 3rd and FINAL time to have us sign the paper work! We both ended up thinking he looks most like a Graham and we loved the idea of calling him Teddy Graham since he looks so much like a little BEAR! 
BJ didn't get a ton of time to just cuddle with Graham in the hospital! He was so great about taking care of the kids and making sure the nurses had everything ready for me! HE is such a attentive husband and tender dad! I LOVE YOU, babe!

Graham is such a calm mellow baby! He only cries when you change his diaper, he really hates that! But he loves to be held and he LOVES to eat! He has the most adorable big chubby cheeks and rolly double chin! They are fun to pinch and kiss! 
It feels really good to be home! BJ was able to get Wednesday off and so he stayed home with me all day Wednesday and Thursday! Chris surprised us and showed up on Wednesday so he has been here hanging out too! Its been busy and a little exhausting! I have been thinking about blogging since I got home late on Tuesday but every time I sit down to blog I think about sleeping and sleeping always wins! I hope I can find a good time to fit in my posts and get some sleep! 


pearson_fam03 said...

I am so happy for you guys!! He is very cute you did good!! Congrats!

HanksFam said...

He is adorable! I'm glad everything was so smooth!

Queen Mimi said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Cameo, you are amazing! You're one beautiful mother of boys! Graham is such a handsome little chunk! I hope you all rest up and have as smooth a transition as possible! I love you!!!

Vanessa said...

YAY! I'm so glad things went well and that your labor went quickly. It is so fun to see all three of your little boys! They are all so handsome. Good luck with everything and I hope you can get some sleep!

CoLiE-O said...

first of all- i hate you for looking so beautiful after giving birth. second- only 3 hours labor, wahoo! and third- the boys are too sweet. i can just see spencer sharing his toys and cooper touching grahams face! im glad to hear all is well. we love and miss you guys! congrats!!

Erika said...

I'm glad to hear everything went well with delivery. I still can't believe he is only 9 inches long! All the weight went into those adorable cheeks of his. :)

Rachel Holloway said...

CONGRATS!! CONGRATS! CONGRATS!!! I am so happy for you! What a beautiful little guy!

Linds said...

Graham isso so cute!!! congratulations you guys!!! hey guess what we might be moving to your ward

Chris said...

i was commanded to here ya go

Brooke said...

Congrats!! What a cutie. You guys sure know how to make cute boys. That's awesome you were able to have him naturally - and with a midwife. I'm a huge fan!! I hope things are going well. It's so fun to have a new baby for Christmas - Ashland was born on the 19th last year - it was a blast.

Jelllo said...

Cam, thank you for posting all the cute pics and detailed info! I soaked up every word! Wish I could've been there! :)

Chris said...


Chuck and Tonya King said...

Congratulations Cam and BJ! We love our grandbaby boys! Graham is such a cutie!