Thursday, April 2, 2009

Shake It Shake It Babe-A

(This is his favorite pose to copy! He loves it!!!)
They also sing songs on the movie like the old Spice Girls song "Wannabe!" ( I know, a great song for a 4 year old right?) Well Spencer loves to sing the "I'll tell you what I want what I really really want, So tell me what YOU want what you really really want" part over and over!

YESTERDAY though he started singing the song that they play during the CREDITS of the movie... AT THE END! He is that into that he sings the last possible song on the movie! The only words he knows are "Shake it Shake it Baby!" But he says it SO funny! I had to make a video! Please excues my nasty voice, I am getting over a cold! 
A little RANDOM but so funny! 

1 comment:

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Got love those boys! What a hoot! We love that movie too!