Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What are weekends for?

Well this weekend we decided to not spend all our time shopping (even though I did hit up a few yard sales and SCORED!!!)we spent the afternoon and evening hiking around the
Red Hill!

We did our BIG Easter egg hunt up there and the kids had a blast so we thought it would be fun to go spend some more time exploring! I took about a million pictures so I am going to do my best to slim it down! .....We had 5 kids and 3 adults! Lets just say it was a bit of a handful! For the most party we could just let them explore but there were a few times when the "crazy mom" in me showed up and made the kids hold hands!

I got a few super cute pics of each on the kids! Too cute to put in a collage!
We all had a great time outside! I am really looking forward to getting out and going camping and hiking this summer! We are all hoping to get out about every other week! If you want to go give us a buzz!

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