Friday, April 24, 2009

Totally Toothless

Some of you know that Spencer had some dental work done about 6 months ago! Since that traumatic experience he has been very careful with his "new teeth" -as he likes to call them! But last weekend he had an accident, I think it's not an exaggeration to call it a LARGE accident!

While BJ and I were out Kristie (his NaNa) was watching the kids for us. The story goes that all the kids were playing under her kitchen table and Spencer was crawling under the bench and laughing when he hit his mouth on the beam of the bench! CRACK..... and broke his front tooth RIGHT OFF! This tooth had a cap on it so luckily it didn't hurt when it broke!
I was so sad, after all the drama and money with the first dental surgery I was not looking forward to round 2! And poor Spencer was so worried about his "new tooth" he ACTUALLY asked to go to the dentist so he could fix it!

The dentist said he has at least one kid a week who has fallen off a bike or run into something that brakes a tooth! He made me feel a little better about my hillbillie little boy! After our visit we left with good and bad news!

GOOD NEWS no surgery, no trauma, no more money ( I feel like a bad mother for being worried about the cost but it's SO expensive...) and it won't hurt him it will just fall out when his big teeth come in!!!

BAD NEWS there is no way to put a cap on when there is nothing there and he will have NO front tooth for at least a year, maybe two!! :(

Funny thing is he doesn't really care, he wants the tooth fairy to come and likes playing with the space where his tooth used to be! I am the one who is concerened with how he looks! So I am taking the cue from my kids (and BJ) to let the little vanities go and just enjoy the funny side of the situation!


HanksFam said...

I think he looks cute!

Queen Mimi said...

Aw! He'll always be a cutie! Haha :) -And for however long it takes him to grow another tooth at least he'll be able to use a straw like nobody else! ;)

Vanessa said...

Oh, Cameo! How crazy. I'm glad he doesn't have to go through a traumatic repair experience, though. He's looks cute, though, even missing a tooth! :)

Kurt & Jen said...

My nephew knocked out his front tooth on a tampoline and gets to go without a front tooth too! He's 4 so it will be a couple years too. I think its adorable and gives them character. :)