Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spencer Daddy Date

Bj took Spencer out for some fun one on one time this Monday afternoon! They went and saw a matinee of the Monsters VS Aliens movie! Spencer was so excited to ride in Chris's car and go see a movie at the theatre just him and his dad! 
When they got home Spencer said his favorite part was the BIG girl monster! I guess he is already watching movies for the pretty girls!! :) 

Cooper was devastated he didn't get to go so we went out after they left and hit up the D.I. to see if they had any cheep treasures! I think we are going to start having some special Mommy Daddy dates with Cooper now! He sure craves one on one time too! 


Chris said...

that is one hot car!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

OOOH, Spencer looks so happy to be with his daddy! I hope they had a great time!... and don't forget to get those new tires and tell me how much!! I don't want my oldest son and grandson to slip off the road somewhere...!