Thursday, April 2, 2009

Little Bunny Foo-Foo

On Tuesday Spencer asked me "if we could PLEASE do a craft, cause we hadn't done one in a long long time!" I felt really guilty for being so lazy and lame so I got online and planned out some EASTER crafts to get us going for the upcoming holiday! YEA, planning crafts makes me all excited! 

So yesterday we went over to Amber's to make our first craft and a yummy treat, that really has NOTHING to do with Easter! We made some cute bunny ears and the kids decorated and glued them! Spencer wrote his name (all I did was help remind him which letters to write:) we need to practice lots more then we do! The kids had a minor break down about whose favorite color was blue so we sang Little Bunny FOO- FOO over and over, to help ease the mood!
The kid weren't totally excited about taking pics with their ears on but they sure didn't want to take them off either! They decided to go dig outside and ended up leaving their ears on all day long! Spencer slept with his and wore them to work out group the next day! SILLY BOY!

We made some chocolate banana pops! They turned out really good! (after we put them in the fridge for an hour!
Even BJ like them (even though he did NOT want to pose with it - he thought it was a little too dirty ADULT looking for a photo!) But I got one anyone... what can I say I'm determined and tricky!


pearson_fam03 said...

Hey! Looks like you guys have been busy! Sorry we have been busy moving and stuff, and I apparently don't have your phone number, so you'll have to call us sometime!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

What a fun day! Give the boys a hug for me! I still think you should do Joy School - have fun, organized lessons with other kids AND crafts WITH a purpose!