Tuesday, January 5, 2010


My new favorite song is Happy by Leona Lewis.. if you havent heard it... check it out here!
In her song the chorus just really hits me when she says

So what if it hurts me?
So what if I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground?
I Gotta find my place, I wanna hear my sound
Dont care about all the pain in front of me
I just wanna be happy

My mom called last night and told me a VERY sad story about a family with 3 little boys and thier baby died on Sunday after falling off a chair and hitting his head! That night BJ and I talked about how blessed we are!

Life hurts sometimes, I break down, I feel like the world throws me off the edge every now and then
I am blessed and I can CHOOSE to be


Here are a few of my reasons for happiness TODAY:

The boys and I danced and danced around the kitchen during lunch time

GRAHAM gave me that million dollar smile when I was twirling around that made my heart jump

BJ called to say hi

I drank a DDP for lunch (my drug of choice Diet Dr Pepper)

BJ will be here for dinner YIPPY

Girls Night TONIGHT! I am looking forward to some quality girly time

And #1 I have a beautiful family who is messy and grouchy and imperfect but we are safe, happy (75% of the time which is a GOOD percentage) and we LOVE each other!

Christmas post.... its on its way, sort of! The camera came back to us for a few days during vacation but it died again and I think its gone for good! My parents are sending me the pics...HOPEFULLY.... this is BLOG pressure! MOM... DAD.... email me PLEEEEAAASE


Linds said...

I had never heard that song and I really liked it too! The first time the chorus was sung it gave me goosebumps. It's so true... I believe that happiness comes by living our lives outside of our comfort zone, so to say. I can't be worried about what others will think or say about me, I can't be scared of pain or sorrow or fear the unknown.

Anyway, yeah. Just wanted to say I liked it too. Thanks for sharing. :) Reading your blog brings happiness to me. :)

Ms. Amber said...

Hey Cam! I want to be happy too! by the way... You are a freaking AWESOME friend and I love you! thanks for helping to pull me out of this rut that I am in for no real reason. I would love for you to answer my calls because I miss you, even though we hung out last night and you fed me amazingly good food... I still miss you

Chuck and Tonya King said...

It's a good thing to have a positive attitude, which Pres. Hinckley said is a spiritual gift. With a positive and appreciative attitude, you can overcome anything! Love you lots!