Monday, January 11, 2010

Looking back on Christmas

BJ has figured out how to get pictures off our almost broken camera.... he is a miracle worker! SO I have quite a lot to show you, I love looking back at Christmas!
We continued our tradition of reading Christmas stories and having hot Coco on Sundays! I really look forward to the Sundays in December! I hope as the years go the boys will start to look forward to this tradition too!!!

This year was a year to spend with my family so we had our Christmas exchange with BJ's family a little early! All the cousins pick a name and exchange a gift! And all the siblings and their spouses exchange so we got to give our gifts and see the excitement on their faces! ( I made most of the gifts this year so it was extra special to give them out!!!!!) We all had a great time!!
For Christmas we meet my fam in Logan! They found a GREAT vacation house so we could all hang out together! Dad took all the big kids to the BYU game down in Vegas and so Mom and I stayed with the kids and "relaxed!" Mom helped the boys make thier first candy Santa train! The boys had a ball I cant wait to make it next year! The next day we went to the Dinosaur park in North Ogden ! WOW it was PERFECT for the kids! The dinosaurs were HUGE and looked so scary and real! They had a blast! We meet everyone in Heber City and Grandad and Gramzie took the boys on the Polar Express!

Christmas Eve came way to fast and Spencer and I made some treats for Santa and wrote him a thank you note before bedtime! Then we read my favorite Nativity story and headed to bed .... KIND OF ...the kids had the hardest time falling asleep.... I wonder why?
In the morning the kids went around and woke up EVERYONE and waited patiently to open their stalkings! They just sat and stared... giggling and wiggling!!!
The boys were so spoiled this year! Santa brought them each their own Star Wars Rex Helmet and Mom and Dad got them a few toys too! Gramzie and Grandad gave them two big bins of legos and the boys got each other a few Star Wars action figures!

Even Graham got in on the action and got a super fun BUCKET of VEHICLES! (which he found with a little help from Coop!)
I wish I had more pics of what everyone got from Santa! We were all spoiled this year! THANK YOU SANTA!

Later Christmas day Sommer and Chris and BJ and I took the big boys sledding! It was a great sledding hill, even if it was crazy steep! Spencer couldn't get enough, Cooper unfortunately got the bum deal because Mom and Dad fell on him! So he didn't love it as much as the rest of us.. Poor COOPER!


Ms. Amber said...

WOW! It looks like you had such a fun time! I love the video LOL it kinda reminds me why I don't love sledding seems like I have had to many "biffing it" experiences. By the way you are such a great mommy to make these fun traditions! Your kids will love them growing up and it will be so fun to see them pass them on to their kids and so on :) How fun!

Chris said...

i love the video...the end is so touching, like packed down ice to a 2 year old's face.

Chris said...


i think Cooper will never want to go sledding again.

Jelllo said...

Awesome video, Cam! :) I'm glad you're almost back to blogging. I love your posts. They get me all hyped up about being a fun, spunky, creative mom like you!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

It was such a fun Christmas - we LOVED having all the kids and grandkids together... even if it was freezing cold!! The pics are super cute of the boys too... and maybe we'll finally give you our pics someday!!

Katie said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!!