Saturday, January 9, 2010

Back in the Groove

I have finally defeated the mountain of laundry that has been waging war all over our house! Thanks to B.J.'s help we are gaining control. I am very relieved to report that all but one load is folded and put away! VICTORY!

I have started making dinner again! It feels SO good! BJ's schedule seems like it is a constant state of change but I have decided whether or not he is here the kids and I need to eat! SO ..... we are having "Picnic Dinners in the Car" with Dad! Ill make dinner and then the kids and I will drive over to his work and he will eat dinner with us in the car! (since we cant go inside.... for obvious reasons) Its been really nice to see him even for just a few minutes and to eat a real dinner on top of that!

The kids are having fun with all their new toys! So far their favorite new pastime is LEGO's! They both got LOTS of legos from Gramzie and Grandad , which they love, THANK YOU! The boys have been making lego houses, and fire stations, and airports and castles! They are getting so creative and are actually sharing.... BIG SIGH OF RELIEF!

They are also having fun with their Craft boxes Amber made them! It is so nice to see them use their imagination and make something all on their own! And of course all their new Star Wars gear and action figures are all over the house! The kids like to have epic battles between their action figures! Its really fun to watch them play! Even if I am constantly picking up little toy light sabers and blasters!
BJ has been working what feels like non stop since we got back trying to make up for the time off during Christmas! I am trying SO SO hard to be grateful he can pick up the hours and not be sad he is gone.... its tough!! But I am looking for the silver lining! He turns in his application for Grad school next week! SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray for us! We wont know until March if he is accepted but we would appreciate all the help we can get!
Graham is ON THE GO! He is crawling so fast on his knees now, he has ditched the army crawl all together now! And he is taking a couple steps....when he is encouraged, bribed, and begged! :)

Life is getting back to normal! We had a great vacation.... which i hope to blog about once I get pics from my parents....pressure pressure pressure!!! I am SO glad to be home and back to my version of "NORMAL!"


Ms. Amber said...

Cameo buddy I love your posts and get so excited every time I see you've updated and this one made me smile, I love the pic of Cooper all covered in paint and Im so glad that the boys are enjoying their craft buckets! And I'm so glad that you are gettin back into the groove cuz you being back in the groove helps me try to get back in the groove :)

Vanessa said...

I can't believe how big Graham is getting! So cute! Good luck with the grad school application. I hope everything works out for you guys. Where are you applying to? And I totally understand how hard it is when your husbands gone a bunch and your home alone with the kids. Jud's not always home a lot and it can be really hard. So think of me when your feeling sad and know you're not alone! :)

Chuck and Tonya King said...

So cute pics! I love seeing Graham'ers walking!! and we are soooo glad that the boys like their Legos!!