Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One WONDERFUL Year With Graham

Over the holidays Graham turned 1! Its hard to believe its been a year but he is getting so big and trying so hard be be as grown up as the big boys its hard toaccept he isnt a baby anymore!I made him a bath tub cake for his birthday and I think he loved the Jello (water inside the cake:) as much as the cake itself!
I found a few pics of our little Grahamy to show how much he has grown and to remind me of how little he was!
All dressed and going home...
First bath...loving those bubbles!Looking ruggedly handsome for his Blessing! I have to say those are the best kiss me cheeks EVER! Exploring and lifting up his head, trying to figure out where all the noise is coming from!He has always had a sweet still calming personality and that has added a important element to our family! I love just kissing those chubby cheeks and resting with him for even just a minute!
I love this picture you can see how his curiosity is growing and his ability to play and get all dirty is getting better and better!
All ready for the wedding! Gotta love that bow tie!Playing with the family can be memorable and slightly traumatic We went out hiking and he loved being outside and was getting used to playing with the big boys!His first bath where he splashed and played with the big boys! Spencer and I have started calling him Grahamy Pants... I dont know why but its our go-to nick name! Dont worry Graham by the time you can read this I am sure it will have worn off! :)For his 1st Halloween he was an itsy bitsy spider
And now at a year old he is still a sweet little boy with lots of opinions a big appetite and a hunger to be on the move! He can crawl so fast and is taking 5-7 steps at a time, soon we will have 3 big boys running around our house!Your Dad and I love you so much Baby Grahamy thank you for being a part of our family!!! I cant wait to see what you will grow into and the wonderful boy you will become!
Love Mom!


Rachel Holloway said...

seriously? a year?


I am speechless. Time has FLOWN.

Happy birthday to such a cute little guy!

Linds said...

yaaay for 1 year olds! he is a cutie! And I LOVE your cake!!! a bathtub?? with jello for water in the middle? seriously! where did you get that idea! that's so awesome.

Ms. Amber said...

AAAAAWWE we love you to Grahamy Pants! Hes such a sweet boy, and in between the yells he lets out he still has that calming effect on everyone.


Brooke said...

I can't believe a year has gone by - you just had him didn't you? Happy Birthday big boy!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

What a wonderful tribute to our littlest grandson! We love you Graham-ers!! (and the BDay cake is super cute!)

Chuck and Tonya King said...

I agree with Gramzy ... I think the bathtub birthday cake is WAY cool!!!

You are SO creative, Cam ... I am proud of you!!!

Love you,