Saturday, May 7, 2011

Spring in Logan

Spring in Logan is a bit chilly and very unreliable! One day its warm and sunny and the next day it rains or SNOWS! I have come to expect this crazy weather and just enjoy ti while its warm!

We went to Baby Animal days with the kids and unfortunately it was raining and cold! But I gotta tell you the mud made it so much more fun for the boys!
We painted faces (Cooper was not huge fan, the paint on his face:)
Graham fell in love with the baby animals! He loved petting and touching them! He just couldn't get enough! I think he has a real soft spot for animals!

These bunnies were so cuddly!
They sat down out of the cold and just had some quality time with these little bunnies!
This bud was deep and mushy and perfect for them! We came prepared with rain boots and grubby pants! BJ and I tried to navigate around but the boys just tromped on through!

My dirty little sillies! I love when they can just get dirty and play and have fun! Its something in them that just thrives on exploring! I want to be able to encourage and nurture that, and not always be worried about the mess! :)

My little mud trooper! He wants so bad to be big like his brothers and do EVERYTHING they can! He is always a few steps behind but he is catching up!!!!
Cooper could survive on suckers if we let him! He has such a sweet tooth! :)

We also got a few pictures at the Children's Museum! The boys LOVE it there! This section is the cowboy area! Graham loves it because of the Moo-Cows!
In each section they have dress ups so you can play pretend! Oh man they LOVE dressing up! Look at that face! My Spencer is such a ham!

We also went to a play where the kids get to participate as the actors! These costumes are a Bunny and a Goose!
Next time we go to the museum I will try to take more pictures! It is SO much fun!

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