Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fixing Up the House

We are still working on the front yard.... I need to get it together and decide what flowers I want out here!! But today we weeded (again) and ripped out a bunch of the plants that were there that we really hated!
This big shrub was a really stubborn one so we gave it a few more days! But its gonna go too! I am hoping to plant, peonies, hydrangea, hostas, and a few others... I just have to figure out WHAT!
It looks SO much better without all the weeds and nasty plants!
So many possibilities....
Here is the view of our garden in the back yard.. and the one remaining shrub we still need to pull out!
Here is our little island full of corn! Hmm I am SO excited!!!!

Our long row of tomatoes, and peppers and peas! We went with 4 different varieties of tomatoes so our salsa would be super flavorful!
In the corner in rows we have onions, carrots and the two long rows are lettuce.
Strawberries, blueberries and just outside the pic our zucchini plant.
Here are the 2 large and very stubborn tall shrubs BJ (THE MANLY MAN) tore out!
These are the shrubs and bushes we ripped out of the front and back!
I have added a few things to the living room! I have searched and searched for end tables on KSL, and finally found two! Adding things to the house is a slow process because I need to be VERY thrifty! But I have to tell you when I do find what I am looking for its SO worth the wait!

This black one came all re-finished and was on $20! I found the lamp at the D I for $3 and the plant on sale!
I wanted tables that were a little more vintage and eclectic then just the popular square chunky furniture I see everywhere!
I wanted two different tables to add to that eclectic feeling I want! This one needed to be refinished but it was only $8 so I was happy to add the needed TLC!

I also added the curtains and the large plant! Both of which I found on sale!!!

I am still looking for accessories for these tables but the ones I have so far I found around at yard sales for a couple bucks or less! YEA!!!!!

I added drapes in the Kitchen! I also added a matching curtian and rod on the back door! We really needed I think the neighbors know us a little TOO well! The big window in the door was not good for late night strolls when you are naked!! wink wink

I love making our house a little more like a home, and doing it all on a budget!!


Unknown said...

Your house is sure looking cute. Kepp up the good work!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Wow, that was a lot of work! It looks great and A little freaked out with the corn in the middle of the yard though! :)

The living room looks very nice too! like the end tables (but still think you need a cool coffee table for your brides to look at your book, ideas, etc.!)

Brent said...

Hahaha. T.M.I. Cameo! For the record, I do not walk around the house naked.