Sunday, May 15, 2011

Soccer Stats?

This year Spencer and Cooper did indoor soccer at the Rec Center! It was 5 weeks long twice a week and they had such a great time!

(My Picasa was acting up so none of these pics are edited! SORRY)
Spencer was very proud of his certificate at the end of the season!
I loved watching him progress and practice. As he got better be became more and more confident and it was so special to watch him recognize practice makes perfect... or better anyway :)
He was very involved with his team! He made lots of little friends and would spend time afterwards telling us all about the different kids and what he liked about them!
It was pretty hard to get a good picture of them in action because they all swarmed around the ball! But Spencer was really good at staying right in the middle of it all and really gave it all he had!
Check out that team... TEAM REAL
Ahh... Coopers team!
Well we coached his team, as a last resort when no one else could do it we said "of course we will!" Even though we had no clue what we were doing!
But looking back it went really well! The kids had fun and I think they even learned a few things about soccer!
It was really special for Cooper and BJ to get to spend that time together! And for Cooper to be able to have that unique opportunity it really made him feel important and that meant the most to me!
His little team was made of 3 and 4 year olds so it was really funny to watch them because some of them just were NOT interested in playing!!!

But Cooper was a really good player, he stayed involved in the game and practice the WHOLE time(which is more then most of the kids hahaha) He was pretty fast and had a really strong kick!
Most of all he was proud of himself and his team! He loved going and was such a good participant!

Doing these games for 3 1/2 hours twice a weeks was such an eye opener to the future! With 3 boys and lots of games and sports and different schedules its going to be crazy ride!

I sure enjoyed watching my boys out there, they are getting so big and growing up so fast!
GOSH... I just love it!

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