Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Lately it seems our life is one of the two extremes, GREAT or TERRIBLE! Here is a little glimpse

Last week the kids and I decided to run to Walmart...and it turned into THE most eventful and awful trip I have ever had at the store!
Spencer and Cooper were fighting (that wasn't a shock) so I took Spencer out of the cart and he held onto the side of the cart! For some reason (I wish I knew) Cooper PUSHED Spencer off the cart and his toes were run over by the cart! So he started screaming and Cooper started crying! I soothed Spencer and put him back in the cart he went on to smack Cooper so hard in the face that his nose started bleeding! All the while these little old Polygamist moms were STARING me down! Spencer was screaming his toe was broken Cooper was balling and bleeding! It was beyond a ruff shopping trip it was a full out disaster!!!!!!!!!!!

Got the kids in the car, I pick up Graham and he had peeded out! ALL OVER ME! Now all 3 kids are crying and I feel like running into a hole and dying!! After we got home and calmed down we ate some watermelon and stayed inside so we didn't have any more public bloody battles!! At the end of that terrible day when we went to bed I prayed that we could ALL have a better day tomorrow!

Well that weekend my prayer was answered; we went to St George and on Saturday I had a WONDERFUL day! I was able to go yard saleing (my favorite thing!!!) BJ went hiking with his friend and then that evening we all got together and played on the trampoline! There weren't any rules or fighting or hurt feelings just fun... TOGETHER! It was just what we all needed!
The boys had SO much fun with BJ!
Graham didn't love it as much as we did! He was really startled!
Spencer LOVED jumping the higher and harder the better!! I know I looks like a dork but I was lovin it! I forgot how fun it was, it made me feel like a kid again!
Cooper DIDN'T want to jump with out someone there to hold his hand! So when he got nervous he would sit on the side and wait till we calmed down!
We snapped a family picture, it was the best night!


Ms. Amber said...

too bad we can't have a maid that babysits anytime and everytime we want to go to the grocery store!
Seriously tho Cam your family is so sweet and cute, I love how you and Bj took the evening and spent it playing with the kids on the tramp! What a fun memory you will all have!

Brooke said...

I, too, understand the ups and downs of daily life with kids. It seems impossible some days and wonderful others. I'm so grateful that we are given those sweet tender mercies to keep us going, otherwise I think that "hole" sound pretty appealing.

I can't believe how much Cooper has changes in the last few months. I wouldn't have even recognized him. Cute.

Vanessa said...

Oh, that sounds so sad! Sorry that that happened. We all have those days, though, so you're not alone! I'm glad you guys were able to have some fun time together as a family. It makes it all worth it. You're such a good mom!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

I'm guessing you appreciated the weekend just a wee bit more because of the "fun" at Wally Mart!

Chris said...

... I think thats why we took back the kitten... Just kidding. Good thing the boys forget about it all the next day!

Chuck and Tonya King said...

8 days and counting ... some blag nazi ... hmmm

Chris said...

i dare you to do do a backflip, cameo

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Life's a roller coaster ride Cameo - full of ups and downs! You just gotta enjoy the ride... and from the looks of it, the day ended perfectly! Love the family pic on the trampoline!