Monday, September 7, 2009

Growing Boys

We had a week and the kids didn't slow down one bit! Graham started army crawling even faster this week and even pulled himself up (on my VERY dusty shelf, don't mind that!:)

The garden has taken off! We have harvested a million zucchini, about a dozen tomatoes, a LOT of broccoli, one pepper, 2 dozen or so strawberries, bowls and bowls of lettuce!
We had a few things not work out like the yellow squash, the cucumber, the watermelon and the peas! But for our first year I am super proud of it! Spencer is VERY excited about his "veggie tales" sunflowers! He reminds me he needs to check on them every day! Once they became taller then him he couldn't stop talking about it!

Brylie and Ryker are back in town for a few weeks and so all the cousins have been playing together AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! This was labor day weekend BJ was cleaning off the trampoline and they all got in on the action! Later that weekend I went out and jumped with them and then we all played duck duck goose! It was a blast! Cooper and Ryker would run every time even when it wasn't their turn! It was darling! They all love being around each other!
Spencer started riding his bike without training wheels, on the first day of trying!! He is still working on starting and stopping by himself but he is sure on his way!

1 comment:

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Grandad here ... just watched the WAY COOL video of Spencer without training wheels ... I AM SO PROUD OF YOU SPENCER!!!

Way to go, buddy! I want to go riding with you the next time we get together ... maybe you can bring your bike with you to visit me in Mexico!