Friday, December 11, 2009

Ups and Downs

I feel like I write some version of this post about once a month! But I am always coming back to this feeling....
That life is always up and down I feel like I am just riding this never ending roller coaster! One minute the kids are playing super Hero's and Jedi's and the next one is balling because he got stabbed in the eye with a light saber and they start beating one each other until I break it up and Spencer breaks out with a " you are such a mean mommy , I don't like you!" SO I either send them to time out, yell until I feel better or on the rare occasion where I stop to THINK about it I try to change the situation and calm them down! (THIS ALWAYS works, I just never think of in the moment...ahhhh)

This constant roller coaster has been making me unusually sick lately
until at church (GREAT I KNOW) I kinda snapped! Getting ready for church was rocky but as SOON as we got in the doors to church the boys BOLTED and started running until they RAN right into the chappel where they continued to run around.... I WAS MORTIFIED!

I need to just throw in there that this is NOT the first time they have been told not to run in church! We have had multiple FHE lessons on reverence....its just not sticking!

I got them to come out in the hall where I REMINDED them we dont run at church and Spencer started arguing with me about WHY he HAD to run! And at that point I had had it! AND THEN they took off again! BJ FINALLY found us and I was about to cry I told him I had to leave! We went home and talked and talked about this rollercoaster!

It was then that I realized I needed some help! Its been a long time since I really SAT DOWN AND STUDIED my scriptures or had a truly meaningful PERSONAL prayer! I wasn't taking any of my "medicine for the MOTION SICKNESS." I was just riding the roller coaster and complaining without going to the ONE THING that could really help me feel better!

I sat on my bed and read and read! I said a meaningful prayer and really TALKED to my Father and Friend and told them I wouldn't forget where the real lasting medicine comes from!

I have been feeling better.... A LOT BETTER! I am STILL on the roller coaster! I have 3 kids under 5 I think it WILL be a series of ups and downs for a long time! BUT I have rediscovered (yet again) where real peace comes from!

I dont mean to sound all preachy or corny this part of my journey and it really helps me to write it down and hopefully get feedback from friends about what works for them!
If any of you out there have some ideas to help with this motion sickness please share!!!


Queen Mimi said...

Well, Cam, I don't pretend to perfectly know how you feel. I only have my 2 girls...but it sounds like you've already gotten back into using the best strategy of them all...just don't forget about "Me time". There are some things I involve the girls in to create an INDOOR version of Me Time having them do a quiet craft. Recently we cut out Christmas trees and glued on little sparkly decorations, etc. I often put on some fun music for us to dance and go crazy to (and I sit down after 5-10 minutes while they tire themselves out! Woohoo!), and follow it up with story time or a movie and popcorn. Having a good book for myself throughout it all really helps, too! (Peter and the Star Catchers is SO funny and filled with adventure!)Hmmm, then there's play-dates...And, when nothing seems to be going right despite all my efforts, I put on Chopin or some other soothing music, sit down,try to not get a headache, and think of all my blessings ;) I hope that last bit doesn't sound snarky. Anyway, I hope you find something that helps, Cameo, and don't be too hard on yourself! You're beautiful through and through! We all experience bumps along the way! BTW, When you really need to feel like your kids aren't the only monsters on Earth, gimme a call, cuz I have a mid-sacrament meeting whopper for ya.

Katie said...

I have to let you know that you are not alone. I have been on a huge roller coaster ride this year as well, and it always gets better when I put first things first. It will get better, someday!! Until then, know that you are not alone. You have others who know what you are going through, and you have a HF who loves you very much!!


Ms. Amber said...

Cam it is so good to know that other moms are on the roller coaster with us, I definately am on it anyway. I think you are an AMAZING mom and I know that your kids love you, part of being a parent though is not always being to good guy and unfortunately our kids will let us know but that just comes with the role. I really have cherished our friendship and I have learned alot from you about being a good mom and I really do think you are great! I LOVE YOU!

Rachel Holloway said...

you are definitely not alone! I have so many times that I watch the kids totally disregarding me and think, "REALLY KIDS? WHAT ABOUT WHAT I JUST SAID DID YOU NOT GET!?"

You have the right I often fail to heed when I am feeling overwhelmed. Thanks for the reminder!