Wednesday, December 2, 2009


SO I have a confession... I am a TWI-HARD Twilight MOM! And I love every minute of it!

I LOVE making Twilight accessories declaring that I am TEAM EDWARD all the way!
I LOVE standing in line for hours on opening night with 200 other 15 year old girls! It makes me remember what it was like when I was young (AND HOW GLAD I AM TO HAVE GROWN UP...A LITTLE BIT ANYWAY)I LOVE spending time with my BESTEST FRIEND, laughing giggling and having some good old fashion girl time! I LOVE the excitement and tension between a girl, a vampire and a werewolf!
So I am anxiously awaiting Eclipse I love the relationship between 3 of them! And the next one is going to be the best! Let me know if you are a Twilight Mom too!!!


Ms. Amber said...

I LOOOOVED going with you! that was one of the funnest nights of my LIFE! TWI-MOM ALL THE WAY!!!! :)

Katie said...

I CAN'T wait for the movie to open here! I am sooo there!

Britt said...

So I can't be a TWI mom but I am a huge fan. Looks like you had a ton of fun.

Chris said...

only good part of that movie was the werewolf dominating that vampire...i only wish that vampire had been edward. he already plays an emotionally dead character....

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Hmmmm, does have daughters who are into the movie make me a TWI-Mom? Sorry - I am not into teen angst...!