Monday, March 7, 2011

Making the Best of ALL this SNOW

It is COLD outside! We get little breaks in between storms but the storms just keep coming! BJ hates it! He keeps trying to get out his shorts! :) Just look at that cute face....
But in an effort to be positive about all this snow we decided to go play in it! Spencer got to use his new "snowmobile!" We found this amazing sled at the DI last year and this was his first chance to test it out!
It was a huge hit and he was really good at it! And when he fell off (even though it was scary for me, he laughed it off and climbed right back up the hill!)
I on the other had was totally freaked out about going down the hill! Cooper went with me and kept telling me if I didnt just go he would go with out me :)

This is my FAVORITE PICTURE! The big boys just loved it!!!!

Graham on the other hand did not like it! The snow made him really nervous and even though he tried to follow the big boys it really freaked him out! :) So next year will be his year to explore in the snow!

1 comment:

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Wow, look at all that snow! It looks like you all had a lot of fun, but I don't miss the cold either. I vote with Graham and BJ!