Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fall Festivities

So here is the big long catch up! Feel free to just browse the pics its a LONG BEAST to read!!!October kicked off with the most important day of the year...
My 27th Bday! One year older and wiser too...Happy Birthday to.......ME
Am-DAWG and I went to St George for our last BIG yard saleing trip of the season and then went to RED ROBIN (sing the song with me) with Jenise!

Then Bj's fam came over for cake (root beer cake yummy yummy) and presents!And as you all know I get SO excited about presents! Here I am in a moment of bliss....
Later in October Amber Jenise and I went to Krumpets (a great decorating store) for a Witches night out costume contest! I made all the capes and we got all decked out hoping to win the 50 dollar gift certificate! I think we looked spectacularly spooky! Unfortunately out of the 3 Hocus Pocus sisters only Jenise own! But we are so proud of her for representing!
Mom and Abby came to visit for Jenises Bday and Halloween
We got J up on the saddle at Texas Road House for the Big 2-5!

Gramzie and J teasing Spenc at the restaurant and Spencer hating EVERY minute of it! :)

A rare picture of me and the hottie who calls me his wife! What.A.STUD!

We had or first snow at the end of October! And it was good thing because Spencer had been begging and praying for snow since August!They got all bundled up and just soaked it in!

Until... Coop got a little too much to soak in.... luckily Spencer was there to give a "feel better hug" so they could get back to enjoying the snow!

Halloween arrived along with lots of family to dress up with! Sommer and Chris came down from Rexburg. Chris was Max from "Where the wild things are" and Sommer joined the witch sisters! Mom and Abby came from Mexico and we all went trick or treating in St George!

The stars of the night we my 3 scary Halloween boys! Spencer was a Skeleton (made my MOI) Cooper was a bat and Grahamy was a black widow spider(made my me too!) Oh and we cant forget my knight in green armor.... BJ was Frankenstein!November kicked off with our last craft fair! We all drove up to Gunnison Utah, a small town where Allison grew up! IT WAS A BLAST! We all had a great time just us girls! To top off a great time we all made more then we ever had! SO YEA!!!!
We had a small booth so we had to crawl under the table to get in and out! It made for a lot of laughing!!!
We celebrated a big birthday in November, Kristys 50th! She didn't want a big to-do so we all surprised her and took her to her favorite place.... IN AND OUT!
And our most recent event was Thanksgiving! We had it early again this year but it was great! It was over and Mindy's house and she did a beautiful job of decorating!I was on the kids table decor! I made a place-mat to color and a cute crayon envelope and napkin ring! The kids had a great time coloring! I cant forget the SWEET turkey hats the boys made for the big day! They looked so FESTIVE, is that the word?There were lots and lots of people who joined us!
BJ, Cadie, Lance, Kristy, Brent, Bristie, Matt and MOI
Matts Brothers Girlfriend, Matts Brother, Matts Mom, Matts Dad, Aunt Liz and Uncle Jess! Whew I am so sorry I don't remember Matt's families names!!
We all brought different things for dinner, and Brock made a fried turkey!
It was a great holiday!
SO wow that was A LOT! I am committing that I am NOT going to fall THAT behind again! And I am going to get some pictures up of all the crafts I have been working on! It has been SO much fun to try and do a homemade Christmas! All the craft blogs have been so helpful! I am addicted to stalking them and finding all the GREAT EASY ideas!


HanksFam said...

Holy Cow you've been up to a lot! You've turned into the Homemade Queen...the costumes were great. I cheated and used my mom.
Hey, Steph and I and the boys have our annual DRA Christmas Party on Friday night (we'll let you know if we win anything!) but I think we're free on Saturday if you are. Let us know if you guys aren't busy...we'd love to see you.

Chris said...

that pic of you killing bj is the scariest witch picture i have ever seen. is he ok? no trauma or injuries?

be careful bj

Our Little Family said...

I loved reading your post! It didn't seem as long to read it as it probly seemed to you to write it, Those are some great pics you have up there! but who is that freaky person that is about ready to dive her whole face into that cake!?

Ms. Amber said...

and yep I was signed in as you for that little comment I just left as well, sorry...

Chuck and Tonya King said...

Wow, lots of great pics! Love it!