I have loved watching the boys these last few months as they each creep into new stages of thier childhood. Spencer is doing homework everyday! He loves math, he is very good with his patterns. And even though he doesnt love it he is SO good at his letters and sight words! I cant believe that all of a sudden he is no longer a toddler but a big kid on his way to reading! I am so proud of him!!
But when things change and I realize I have NO control over it, it means I am faced with a decision.
Option A: Cry, Cry a lot and refuse to accept whats coming.
But shoot that option doesnt get me anywhere but with a chapped nose, puffy eyes and an even more confused heart and family.
I AM STILL on the path that leads to Heavenly Father and his ever so fulfilling tree of life!
I know I cant be stubborn, life isn't always Black and White! But there is a BEST way a BETTER path and I want to make sure I dont let the feelings of disappointment for those lost dreams get in the way of me making the best choice.
I feel like this path is not as easy to find as life gets more and more complicated but I guess being able to discern and put my faith in the Lord is what I NEED to learn right now!
I truly believe Heavenly Father is out there watching over me and wants to HELP me make the best choice for each day! I know that I can make it through all of these changes with a smile and a prayer!
And darn-it that is so easy to type but so much harder to do!
So here I come path, here I come changes
Cause I am not alone and I am looking forward to it!
what are these changes you talk about? Everything ok?
Loved all the pics of the kids (a lot of Spencer!) We love you a lot and know you can handle anything! We love you and are soooo proud of you!
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