Cooper had his first day of Preschool today! We found him a joy school right up the street that only has 10 kids and that Cooper is IN LOVE WITH!
He is so excited to be a "Big" boy like Spencer. And truth be told I think he is excited to have something that is his very own! Because this preschool is all about him!
He got his backpack this morning and his coat and was so ready to go all morning, even before he got dressed!
Look at my little goof ball, he is growing up and it doesn't even feel real!
As soon as we got to school he hung up his coat and found the puzzles. He didnt care about any of the other toys or games he sat there and put all the puzzles together!
When we picked him up he talked the whole way home about all the things he did and the new friends he is going to make!
The boys jumped on the tramp... and yes Graham wore that helmet all morning :)
I wanted to get some shots of the fence to show Mom and Daddy! I finished staining the WHOLE thing yesterday so its all ready for winter! Its silly but I stained it all by myself (BJ got me the stain at the store thanks babe!) but it feels so good to look at it all finished and to know that I DID THAT!
I am a super woman and yes I can get stuff done! GO ME!
I cant wait to see what Cooper learns next week and to hear all his fun stories! I love you my little Toopy!